At a Glance: Women, Peace and Security: Addressing Cross-border Challenges

At a Glance: Women, Peace and Security: Addressing Cross-border Challenges

South-East Asia is witnessing a rapid transformation in human trafficking dynamics as criminal operations increasingly shift online. Trafficking in persons for forced criminality associated with online scam centres and other cyber-enabled threats are increasingly becoming critical security concerns for women in the region.

UN Women’s approach is to leverage the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda to tackle these emerging issues by identifying gaps, women’s specific security and protection needs, and advocating for inclusion.

Along the Thailand-Myanmar border, trafficking syndicates exploit the lawlessness stemming from the Myanmar conflict to establish new destinations for trafficking in persons. This brochure introduces a Government of Japan and UN Women partnership that is providing immediate support to survivors and mitigating and preventing the surge in trafficking in women and other cyber-enabled harms along the Thailand-Myanmar border area.

The project prioritizes immediate support, and leverages the WPS agenda to catalyze gender-inclusive responses with the aim of enhancing peace, stability and security along this border area.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific
Resource type(s): Brochures
Publication year
Number of pages