2023 Report on Results of the Measuring Opportunities for Women in Peace Operations (MOWIP) Assessment


With the support of the Elsie Initiative Fund, the Measuring Opportunities for Women in Peace Operations (MOWIP) report for Cambodia has been prepared by the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) using the MOWIP methodology designed by DCAF and Cornell University. The report includes a comprehensive set of recommendations to promote gender equality in the armed forces.

The MOWIP report showcases best practices, highlighting Cambodia's exemplary performance through the RCAF in several aspects of peacekeeping and gender integration. The RCAF has effectively demonstrated the career value of UN peace operations deployments for career advancement and shows the support of RCAF’s leadership and supervisors in increasing women’s deployment, underlining the crucial role of leadership in promoting gender inclusivity.

The findings and recommendations from the report will guide policy formulation and institutional reforms. These efforts aim to overcome identified challenges and promote women's full and meaningful participation in the military. The report recommends promoting an enabling environment and implementing concrete measures, such as official parental leave policies, addressing gender and social norms, and strengthening and implementing gender sensitivity programs in RCAF policies.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Cambodia
Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies: Agencies/entities