Gender Equality and Climate Action Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Call to Action

The Gender Equality and Climate Action Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Call to Action was developed exclusively under the Action Coalitions of Gender-based Violence (GBV), Bodily Autonomy & Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), and Feminist Action for Climate Justice (FACJ) of the Generation Equality Forum, ARROW, UN Women, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) at the Gender Equality and Climate Action Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on 17-18 October 2024.
This Call to Action reflects our commitment to a sustainable and resilient future for Asia and the Pacific, highlighting that the theme of the 29th Session of the UNFCCC Conference of Parties, “In Solidarity for a Green World” cannot be realized without including diverse voices from the region’s most vulnerable to climate impacts.
The Call to Action, based on recommendations gathered throughout the dialogue, from both virtual and in-person discussions, aims to:
- Acknowledge and promote the significant potential of women and girls from diverse backgrounds in driving climate action.
- Recognize the key entry points to enhance meaningful engagement of women and girls in climate action, particularly as we move towards a just transition.
- Highlight the interconnection between women’s key employment sectors, such as agriculture and fishery, and the just and inclusive transition, emphasizing the need to support women and girls in upskilling and ensuring their access to technology, resources, and funding.