WE RISE Together Photobook: Creating equal market opportunities for women by advancing Supplier Diversity through Gender-Responsive Procurement (SD-GRP) in Viet Nam
A collection of stories from 12 resilient women-owned businesses and businesses that apply gender-responsive procurement in Viet Nam under the WE RISE Together project, funded by the Australian Government through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. Implemented by UN Women, the WE RISE Together project (March 2022 - February 2025) aims to create equal market opportunities for women by advancing supplier diversity through gender-responsive procurement (SD-GRP) in Thailand and Viet Nam.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Asia and the Pacific
Viet Nam
Subject areas:
Economic empowerment
Gender equality and inequality
Gender-responsive budgeting
Resource type(s):
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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