Learning to Lead in Timor-Leste: Three women share their stories of change

Veronica Casimira is a farmer and a member of her village council in Timor-Leste. After suffering violence at the hands of militia groups, Veronica gained support and educational training services from UN Women and their local NGO partners, Fokupers and the Asia-Pacific Support Collective Timor-Leste (APSCTL), building her confidence and leadership skills in conflict resolution and gender related concerns. Rosalina Moniz is a women’s group leader in Timor-Leste. After her husband left her to support their family on her own, Rosalina sought the support of Fokupers, a local NGO and partner of UN Women who provides counseling, shelter, and legal support for victims of gender-based violence and discrimination. She is now a strong voice for change in the local community, assisting with conflict resolution and agricultural development. Maria Fatima is a village leader in Timor-Leste. Through services and training provided by UN Women Timor-Leste and their local partners, including the Asia-Pacific Support Collective Timor-Leste (APSCTL), Maria has developed her leadership skills and established a women’s group to discuss local political, social and economic concerns. The video is produced by UN Women Timor-Leste.