#GirlsNotObjects Youth Talk | The role of youth in ending objectification and cyberbullying

● Korean Youth Talk Video: https://youtu.be/6fruVjB50XA● Girls Not Objects webpage: http://unwo.men/nISb50z1H8V● Social Media Action Package: https://trello.com/c/WBhXv4A2What is Girls, Not Objects?On International Women’s Month 2020, UN Women Asia and the Pacific creates an online campaign to discuss the objectification and cyberbullying issues in the entertainment industry. It is funded by KOICA Thailand office (Korea International Cooperation Agency) and designed in collaboration with Thai University Student Groups, IKIGAI and Mu Studio. Girls Not Objects campaign says youths must take the lead in challenging social norms, objectification, and cyberbullying encouraged by the entertainment industry. In two UN Women videos, Korean and Thai youths discuss how they can change the social norm. Korean youth panels talk about the problem and social impact of objectification and cyberbullying with the K-pop cases. Thai panels share their opinions on the topic of young people’s contribution to ending objectification and cyberbullying in the entertainment industry.Youth Talk Thai panels:・ Siwakorn Thatsanasorn, Student, Thammasat University・ Naruthai Tansukasem, Girls, Not Objects art exhibition organiser,・ Panita Siriwongwan-ngam, Girls, Not Objects art exhibition organiser・ Dr. Chanettee Tinnam, Professor of Chulalongkorn University, Member of Committee on Consideration of Unfair Gender Discrimination・ Montira Narkvchien, UN Women communications specialisLanguage: Thai/ Subtitle: English