Equality Means Business Forum highlights video

Twenty-one business leaders in Viet Nam joining the "Equality Means Business" forum on August 18, 2020 co-hosted by WeEmpowerAsia Viet Nam have signed the CEO Statement of Support for the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as they charted the next steps to achieve gender equality. On the day of the signing, there were 3,358 WEPs signatories worldwide, of which 67 were in Viet Nam including the 21 new signatories that had signed on at the event. UN Women works to promote women in the private sector through its WeEmpowerAsia programme, which is funded by the European Union. The programme involves Viet Nam and six other Asian countries. For more, visit http://www.weempowerasia.org #WeEmpowerAsia #EqualityMeansBusiness