Engage, Act, Prevent Violence! | Cox’s Bazar

To mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, UN Women called on all actors to come together to step up efforts to end all forms of gender-based violence in Rohingya and host communities in Cox’s Bazar and to stand in solidarity with survivors. In line with this year’s global theme “Orange the World: Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect!” as well as the local chosen theme: “Engage, Act, Prevent Violence!”, UN Women organised a range of activities in the host community and across Rohingya refugee camps during the 16 days Campaign (25 November – 10 December 2020) together with the Government and partners in coordination with the Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (GIHA WG), the GBV Sub-sector and the ISCG Gender Hub. This video shows a snapshot of some of the initiatives during the campaign.#16days #orangetheworld