Women Empower: An Economic Empowerment Dialogue Engaging Multiple Stakeholders on COVID Challenges..

Women Empower: An Economic Empowerment Dialogue Engaging Multiple Stakeholders on COVID Challenges and Best Practices.On 6 May 2021, the Embassy of Mexico in Thailand, the Embassy of France in Thailand, UN Women Asia, and the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security of Thailand co-hosted an online webinar on Zoom to discuss Women’s Economic Empowerment through the experiences of civil society, NGOs, government agencies and the private sector in the context of Covid-19. Through virtual presentations, the sharing of audio-visual content, and a multi-stakeholder panel discussion, the objective of the event is to facilitate the exchange of information, good practices and lessons learned in order to enhance knowledge of participatory gender-responsive approaches to the design, implementation, and monitoring of women’s economic empowerment measures.