Police in Cox’s Bazar is strengthening their capacity for gender responsive service delivery

[Revised]With the support of UN Women, Bangladesh police in Cox’s Bazar have enhanced their knowledge and skills in delivering gender-responsive services. Police play a crucial role in addressing gender-based violence (GBV). Being the first responder for crime investigations. Police have the responsibility to deliver services in line with national legislation and international commitments. Maintaining trust and confidence among women and children of Rohingya refugee and host communities is one of the key responsibilities of police towards building a peaceful society. UN Women is implementing the gender-responsive policing programme in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh in partnership with Bangladesh Police as part of its global initiative.Using its own manuals on gender-responsive policing, UN Women organized training for police around the world including Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Which has the world’s largest refugee camp. Similar training also took place in Pakistan, Kosovo, and Morocco. In 2021, The Handbook on Gender-responsive Police Services was published by UN Women, in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the International Association of Women Police (IAWP), which will be used in 22 countries. The handbook gives practical, in-depth guidance on how to provide gender-responsive services generally and also during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic; the fundamentals of prevention of violence against women and girls; and conducting investigations that meet the needs and concerns of survivors, with a focus on perpetrators.#GenderresponsivePolicing