Change is possible: A Pacific free of violence against women and girls

[English with caption and sign language] Violence against women and girls in Pacific Island countries is among the highest in the world - about twice the global average. Up to 68 per cent of Pacific women have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence by a partner in their lifetime, in countries where prevalence studies have been undertaken.

The Ending Violence Against Women and Girls programme within the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO), serving 14 Pacific Island countries and territories, aims to enable women and girls in the Pacific to live free from violence. It takes a holistic approach to this complex issue, supporting Pacific-led activities to improve policies, meet the immediate needs of women experiencing violence, and prevent violence from occurring. This video encapsulates UN Women Fiji MCO’s work funded and supported by the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership) programme, which brings together governments, civil society organisations, communities, and other partners to promote gender equality, prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG), and increase access to quality response services for survivors.

The Pacific Partnership is funded primarily by the European Union, and the Governments of Australia and New Zealand, and UN Women, and is led by the Pacific Community (SPC), UN Women and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat. The programme aims to transform the social norms that allow violence against women and girls to continue; to ensure survivors have access to quality response services, and to support national and regional institutions to meet their commitments to gender equality and prevention of violence against women and girls. Working through partners, promote equal rights and opportunities for all Pacific people, through innovative approaches to education, access to essential services, and policy development.

©UN Women 2022