[Kat] Standing Up: Stories of Courage and Resilience | Bangkok, Thailand

[English] UN Women, in collaboration with global storytelling phenomenon The Moth, hosted a live storytelling event called “Standing Up: Stories of Courage and Resilience” in Bangkok, Thailand, in June 2023. This event featured four storytellers who shared deeply moving personal stories. Following the event, audience members said that they left the event feeling inspired and motivated to promote equality and justice.

Join Katherine (Kat) Alano as she shares her story of publicly speaking about being raped while being a celebrity in the Philippines. Katherine founded Empower, a non-profit organisation focusing on the compassionate education of the Filipino people and aims to end the stigma around rape and sexual abuse. Katherine has been active in school seminars, speaking at many of the most prominent universities and schools in the Philippines. She has also worked on campaigns with organisations such as the Office of the Vice President and the Swedish and UK embassies to improve the understanding and handling of rape and rape victims nationwide.

To learn more about UN Women’s work on Ending Violence Against Women and Access to Justice in the Asia Pacific region, please visit https://asiapacific.unwomen.org/en/news-and-events/events/2023/06/standing-up-stories-of-courage-and-resilience. Storytelling is a powerful tool for amplifying marginalized voices and challenging rigid notions of identity. By promoting positive gender norms and providing a platform for women to share their experiences of discrimination, violence, and empowerment, storytelling plays a crucial role in reshaping societal perspectives. Sharing these stories humanizes the struggles faced by women, challenges prevailing stereotypes and biases, and fosters empathy and understanding. In turn, this helps break stigmas and taboos surrounding gendered topics by normalizing conversations and creating a safe space for individuals to share their own experiences. Gender equality advocates throughout the region leverage the power of storytelling in both their personal and professional lives to advocate for women's rights.

The Moth is an internationally acclaimed nonprofit organization dedicated to the art and craft of personal storytelling to honor and celebrate the diversity and commonality of the human experience. Learn more about The Moth at www.themoth.org We extend our sincere appreciation to our generous donors, the Government of the Republic of Korea, the Government of Sweden, and Charles & Keith, for making this event possible.