Event description
“Spotlight on Generation Equality” Public Forum will be organized on 25 November 2020 to showcase the stories of changed attitudes and behaviours and the pathway of youth engagement in elimination of violence against women migrant workers during 7-8 November 2020. Following activities will be presented in the event.
- Body art play on “Women Migrant Workers in Time of COVID-19” by the Unofficial Theatre Faculty of Thammasat University (abstract play inspired by real story of women migrant workers in time of COVID-19 in Thailand)
- Panel discussion on Women Migrant Workers in time of COVID-19 in Thailand and launch of the video “Help is here” with Dance Routine on Stage as part of the attempts initiations to solve violence against women migrant workers and increase their access to services.
- Highlight VDO of “Spotlight Training Camp” showcasing the stories of changed attitudes and behaviours and the pathway of youth engagement in elimination of violence against women migrant workers during 7-8 November 2020
- Award and certificate ceremony that present to all youths who participated in the 2-day training and the winning youths who have dedicated to EVAW against women migrant workers.
- Summary and ceremony of handover of exhibition on “Extraordinary Women” as the sign of youth’s engagement and leadership in the ending violence against women migrant workers.
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