Equipping Thai Tourist Police to better support survivors of sexual violence


Police Captain Nattwajee Jaksan, Deputy Inspector at Chiangmai Tourist Police, shares insights on the importance of empowering survivors in the justice process.
Police Captain Nattwajee Jaksan, Deputy Inspector at Chiangmai Tourist Police, shares insights on the importance of empowering survivors in the justice process. Photo: UN Women/Pathumporn Thongking

For survivors of sexual violence, the first interaction with law enforcement can shape their entire journey towards justice and recovery. In Thailand, where millions of international visitors and migrant workers arrive each year, the Tourist Police often serve as first responders to cases of sexual assault since they have language skills and training to help foreigners. So, ensuring that these officers are equipped to provide empathetic, survivor-centred support is critical.

In February 2025, a group of officers from the Thai Tourist Police gathered in Bangkok for a two-day specialized training on responding to sexual violence. The workshop focused on trauma-informed responses – to help officers better understand how to handle cases with sensitivity and without further traumatizing survivors.

“The training aimed to provide a foundational understanding of sexual assault within Thailand’s legal and cultural framework while challenging common myths and misconceptions,” explained survivors’ rights lawyer, SHero Thailand founder and session facilitator Busayapa ‘Best’ Srisompong. “We focused on defining consent, exploring the counter-intuitive responses survivors may have after experiencing sexual violence, and emphasizing the importance of survivor-centred and trauma-informed approaches.”

Busayapa “Best” Srisompong, Founder of SHero Thailand, speaks during the training on survivor-centred approaches to handling sexual violence cases.
Busayapa “Best” Srisompong, Founder of SHero Thailand, speaks during the training on survivor-centred approaches to handling sexual violence cases. Photo: UN Women/Pathumporn Thongking

“Small details, even seemingly minor ones, can make it easier for victims to open up and talk to us, such as sitting at the same level as them or adjusting our tone of voice when interviewing,” said Police Lieutenant Colonel Suparat Meeprecha, Inspector at Pattaya Tourist Police. “This training has helped us better understand the victims’ psychological state,” he said.

Co-organized by the British Embassy in Bangkok and UN Women, with support from the European Union through the PROTECT Project and the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the workshop also underscored the call for stronger coordination between police, embassies, hospitals and service-providers to ensure survivors have access to necessary services.

A key challenge that officers raised was the lack of female officers available to handle sexual violence cases, which can discourage survivors from reporting.

“One of the most significant insights I gained was the concept of power and the process of returning power to survivors,” said Police Captain Nattwajee Jaksan, Deputy Inspector at Chiangmai Tourist Police. “This approach encourages survivors to open up and make decisions they feel are best for themselves. Regardless of whether they choose to engage with the justice system, their decision must be respected.”

Laura Williams, UN Women Senior Consultant on Ending Violence against Women, discusses trauma-informed policing.
Laura Williams, UN Women Senior Consultant on Ending Violence against Women, discusses trauma-informed policing. Photo: UN Women/Pathumporn Thongking

During discussions on the evolving role of the Tourist Police, UN Women Senior Consultant Laura Williams observed: “Tourist Police have a unique role in working with survivors – especially those who may not know Thai language or local services. A main goal of the training was to equip these officers with concepts and skills to recognize, understand and respond to sexual assault cases in a survivor-centred way.”

Beyond the technical skills, officers reflected on the need to challenge what can be ingrained biases in handling sexual assault cases.

“Despite the fact that we are now in 2025, fundamental concepts such as consent, rape myths and victim-blaming remain deeply ingrained in the legal system, including among law enforcement officers, investigators and even the judiciary,” said Jaksan. “This training challenged that mindset by emphasizing that the most vulnerable party in these cases is the survivor. Beyond pursuing legal justice, it is crucial to provide survivors with a support system that ensures their physical and emotional safety.”

Police Lieutenant Colonel Suparat Meeprecha, Inspector at Pattaya Tourist Police at the training.
Police Lieutenant Colonel Suparat Meeprecha, Inspector at Pattaya Tourist Police at the training. Photo: UN Women/Pathumporn Thongking

For many officers, the training was an opportunity to reimagine their role in supporting survivors. Meeprecha emphasized that the first response can have lasting consequences. “One key takeaway from the training is that, in most cases, officers tend to focus primarily on identifying and prosecuting the offender, often overlooking the victim’s emotions and well-being.”

For officers like him, the experience was a reminder that sexual violence is not just a criminal issue – it is a deeply personal and often invisible trauma. “I wish more officers understood that sexual violence comes in many forms and does not always leave physical wounds. Psychological trauma can take even longer to heal. Therefore, when speaking with victims, it is crucial to treat them with respect and be extremely mindful of our approach.”

As Thailand continues to strengthen its response to gender-based violence, training like this represents a step towards a more survivor-centred approach – one where law enforcement is not just a pathway to justice, but a source of safety, dignity and support.

This workshop was supported by Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade under  a partnership with UN Women to end violence against women in the Asia-Pacific region. It was also supported by the three-year EU-funded project “Ensuring Decent Work and Reducing Vulnerabilities for Women and Children in the Context of Labour Migration in Southeast Asia (PROTECT),” running from 2024 to 2026. The project is jointly implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO), UN Women, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).