UN Women Centre of Excellence in the Republic of Korea receives approval for the 2023 work plan during its Steering Committee meeting


Photo: UN Women/A.J. Lee
Members of the Steering Committee meet in March 2023 at the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality in the Republic of Korea. Photo: UN Women/A.J. Lee

English | 한국어

Seoul, the Republic of Korea — The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (the Centre) held its second Steering Committee* meeting to review the Centre’s achievements in 2022 and to deliberate on its 2023 work plan.

“Although the Centre was newly established and not fully operationalized until late 2022, I am very pleased to see great results from the Centre’s activities in 2022,” said Sarah Knibbs, Chair of the Steering Committee and Regional Director a.i. of UN Women in Asia and the Pacific.

“I would like to appreciate the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s (MOGEF) continuous contributions and support to UN Women,” Knibbs added.

In 2022, the Centre successfully organized an expert consultation on women and technology data, bringing together leading gender and data experts. This year, the Centre hosted its first International Women's Day celebration for over 100 diplomats and international development experts, including 30 ambassadors, and participated in the "Ring the Bell for Gender Equality" campaign to raise awareness about the role and opportunities for the private sector to advance gender equality and sustainable development.


"I would like to appreciate the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s (MOGEF) continuous contributions and support to UN Women ..”
— Sarah Knibbs, Regional Director a.i. UN Women Asia-Pacific.

“This success demonstrates UN Women’s and the Centre’s leadership role on gender equality, not only among UN entities but also across the diplomatic community and other development partners,” said Jeongshim Lee, Director of the Centre.

The Centre also presented its 2023 work plan to the members of the Steering Committee, which has been endorsed thereafter. In 2023, the Centre plans to implement strategic research, training and partnership activities on key themes such as gender-based violence, technology and innovation, humanitarian assistance, women’s economic empowerment, as well as women, peace and security. It will also aim to facilitate sharing of best practices and lessons learned among member states in the Asia-Pacific region, capitalizing on its role as a knowledge and partnership hub based in the Republic of Korea.

Garo Kim, Director-General for Policy Planning at MOGEF, said, “I would like to congratulate [Jeongshim] Lee and her team for preparing an ambitious work plan for 2023, and our Ministry will provide all the necessary cooperation to the Centre and to UN Women.”

Concluding the meeting, Knibbs said, “We, at UN Women, look forward to advancing the gender equality agenda in both the Republic of Korea and across the Asia-Pacific region, and working closely with key partners, including MOGEF and the Korean Women's Development Institute (KWDI), through the Centre’s various training, research and partnerships activities in 2023.”

* The Steering Committee is composed of MOGEF Directors-General, UN Women Headquarters Department Heads, UN Women Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, the Centre’s Director and KWDI researchers.

About the Centre:

Established in Seoul in 2022 with support from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea, the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (“the Centre”) aspires to become a ‘knowledge and partnership hub’ to facilitate research, gender education and training, sharing of innovations and lessons learned from the Republic of Korea and development of multi-stakeholder partnerships for the advancement of gender equality in the Asia-Pacific region. The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality is the first of its kind in the region.

Media inquiries:

UN Women
A.J. Lee | e: [ Click to reveal ]


유엔여성기구(UN Women) 성평등센터, 제2차 운영위원회서 2023년 사업 계획 승인

날짜: 2023.03.21

Photo: UN Women/이아정
Photo: UN Women/이아정

English | 한국어

대한민국 서울 — 유엔여성기구 성평등센터(이하 센터)는 2022년의 사업 성과를 검토하고 2023년 연간 계획에 대해 의논하는 제2차 운영위원회를 개최했다.

센터에서 두 시간 남짓 진행된 이날 회의에는 여성가족부와 한국여성정책연구원(KWDI) 소속 운영위원들이 대면으로, 유엔여성기구 본부 및 아태 지역사무소 소속 위원들은 화상으로 참여했다.

위원회 의장인 Sarah Knibbs 유엔여성기구 아시아태평양 지역사무소장은 “센터가2022년말부터 제대로 운영되기 시작했는데도 그간 보여준 좋은 결과들에 만족한다”면서 "여성가족부가 유엔여성기구에 보여준 지속적인 관심과 협력에 감사드린다”고 말했다.

센터는 지난해 과학기술 및 젠더 전문가들을 대상으로 ‘젠더 디지털 격차 해소를 위한 여성과 과학기술을 위한 국제전문가 회의’를 개최했다. 올해는 세계여성의날을 맞아 30여명의 주한대사를 포함한 100여명의 국제외교 전문가를 대상으로 기념행사를 주최했고, 증권거래소와 상장 기업들이 유엔의 다섯 번째 지속가능발전목표(SDG)인 성평등 달성에 앞장서자는 차원에서 ‘링더벨’ 캠페인을 한국거래소와 진행하기도 했다.

“이는 유엔기구뿐만 아니라 외교 공동체(diplomatic community)를 비롯한 파트너들 사이에서 유엔여성기구와 센터가 성평등 의제를 선도적으로 이끄는 역할을 한다는 증거"라고 말했다.


"유엔여성기구는 한국과 아시아태평양 지역 전체에 성평등을 증진할 것을 기대하고 있다 ..”
— 위원회 의장인 Sarah Knibbs 유엔여성기구 아시아태평양 지역사무소장은

센터는 운영위원들로부터 2023년 사업 계획을 발표하고 승인받았다. 사업 계획안에 따르면 센터는 젠더 기반 폭력, 기술과 혁신, 인도주의적 지원, 여성의 경제적 역량 강화, 여성·평화·안보 분야 등과 관련된 연구, 교육, 파트너십 활동을 진행한다. 또 센터는 한국에서의 지식 및 파트너십 허브로서 아시아태평양 지역의 회원국에 모범사례와 교훈을 공유한다.

김가로 여성가족부 정책기획국장은 "2023년 야심찬 사업 계획을 준비한센터에 축하를 전하며, 우리 부처는 유엔여성기구와 센터가 필요로 하는 모든 협력을 제공하겠다”고 말했다.

운영위원회를 마치며 Knibbs 지역사무소장은 "유엔여성기구는 한국과 아시아태평양 지역 전체에 성평등을 증진할 것을 기대하고 있다”면서 “센터의 트레이닝, 연구 및 파트너십 활동 과정에서 여성가족부와 한국여성정책연구원을 비롯한 주요 파트너와 긴밀히 협력할 것”이라고 말했다.

About the Centre:

Established in Seoul in 2022 with support from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family of the Republic of Korea, the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (“the Centre”) aspires to become a ‘knowledge and partnership hub’ to facilitate research, gender education and training, sharing of innovations and lessons learned from the Republic of Korea and development of multi-stakeholder partnerships for the advancement of gender equality in the Asia-Pacific region. The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality is the first of its kind in the region.

Media inquiries:

UN Women
A.J. Lee | e: [ Click to reveal ]