Asia-Pacific Officials and Experts Gather in Seoul to Emphasize Prevention to Stop Violence Against Women


[Press release]

Photo: UN Women/Kwanju Kim
Government representatives and experts from 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region are taking a group photo. Photo: UN Women/Kwanju Kim

English | 한국어

Seoul, Republic of Korea — Forty-eight government representatives and experts from 10 countries across Asia and the Pacific convene at a regional workshop on preventing violence against women (VAW). Hosted from 22-26 October 2023, the workshop provided a space to discuss and strengthen evidence-based, ethical, and effective VAW prevention programming.

Violence against women is one of the most pervasive human rights violations in the world, rooted in gender inequality, discrimination and harmful cultural and social norms. To date, many responses to VAW have focused primarily on intervening with affected individuals after the violence takes place. However, prevention—addressing the structural causes, as well as the risk and protective factors, associated with violence—is pivotal to completely eliminating violence against women and girls. There has been an increasing need to address broader factors that contribute to the prevalence of violence at a global level, and to implement programmes that prevent VAW from occurring in the first place. Evidence on prevention has evolved considerably over the past decade as a result of various initiatives, including those supported by UN Women.

Melissa Alvarado, UN Women’s Regional Programme Manager on Ending Violence Against Women for Asia and the Pacific, stated: ‘’We now know more than ever before what works to prevent violence against women. The evidence about prevention has evolved considerably over the past decade. More and more evidence from UN Women is building on practical approaches that show prevention is possible and achievable in 3–5-year programme timeframes.”

To support the development of evidence-based, ethical, and effective VAW prevention programming, the workshop guided participants through programming knowledge based on existing global evidence, expert recommendations, and practitioner consensus.

During the workshop, participants explored seven strategies outlined in the RESPECT Women: Preventing Violence against Women Framework. They include promoting respectful relationships, economically empowering women, ensuring accessible services, reducing poverty, creating a safe environment, preventing child adolescent abuse, and transforming social norms. Promising practices and models for each strategy will be shared to inspire participants in their work.

The RESPECT Implementation package, developed in collaboration between the World Health Organization and UN Women in 2019, has been endorsed by 12 other UN agencies and bilateral partners. It comprises a range of practical tools and resources designed to support the implementation of the RESPECT framework. The package builds upon the evidence-based entry points outlined in its predecessor, “A framework to underpin action to prevent violence against women.”

Jeongshim Lee, Director of the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality, noted that “preventing violence against women is a long-term strategy. It requires coordinated action and commitment across different stakeholders, such as policy makers, media, legislators, educators and employers. I hope this gathering will be a strategic first step in the region to build understanding and political will towards violence prevention.”

In addition, the workshop serves as a platform for cross-country learning among policy makers and practitioners within the Asia-Pacific region. Through the exchange of promising practices from existing VAW prevention programmes, the workshop contributes to the regional perspective on VAW Prevention and the RESPECT Implementation package. It includes policymakers and practitioners from Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Indonesia, India, the Republic of Korea, Viet Nam and Timor-Leste.

UN Women’s programme guidance for developing and implementing VAW prevention programmes was introduced to the participants to support them identify the most effective intervention types adaptable to their specific contexts. Since many participants are policy makers working on ending violence against women, an important part of the agenda was the review of countries’ experiences in the development, implementation, and monitoring of the National Action Plans on Prevention of VAW within the region, such as Australia, Cambodia, Fiji, and Timor-Leste. The participants will then recommend follow-up actions to strengthen policies and programmes for VAW prevention at the country level.

UN Women has played a pivotal role in developing evidence-based policy and programming guidance on prevention of VAWG. Since the establishment of the UN Women Centre of Excellence on Gender Equality based in Seoul, the center has prioritized efforts to end VAW.

This workshop will mark the third event of the year for the Centre focusing on VAW following the earlier workshop on “Empowering Youth To Address Technology- Facilitated Gender-Based Violence” and an international conference on “Ending Gender Related Killings of Women and Girls in the Asia-Pacific region.”

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Media inquiries:

A.J. Lee

External Relations Specialist, UN Women [ Click to reveal ]

About UN Women 

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.


아태 지역 정부 대표 및 전문가, 여성 폭력 대응을 넘어 예방 중요성 서울서 논의

배포일시: 2023년 10월 24일


Photo: UN Women/Kwanju Kim
아시아태평양 10개국 출신 정부 관계자와 전문가들이 단체 사진을 찍고 있다. 사진: 유엔여성기구/김관주

English | 한국어

대한민국, 서울 — 아시아와 태평양 지역 10개국의 정부 대표와 전문가 48명이 유엔여성기구 성평등센터와 아시아태평양 지역사무소가 주최하는 여성 폭력 예방 프로그램 개발을 위한 지역 워크숍에 22일부터 26일까지 4일간 참여한다.

해당 워크숍은 여성 폭력에 사후 대응하길 넘어 예방하는 프로그램 개발에 초점을 맞추는 방법을 다룬다. 그간 여성 폭력은 주로 폭력 발생 이후 피해자에 대한 개별적 개입에 초점을 맞췄다. 그러나 여성 폭력 근절을 위해서는 폭력과 관련된 구조적 원인을 고려하는 예방책이 필요하다. 여성 폭력의 구조적 원인은 젠더 불평등과 차별적 문화적·사회적 관습과 관련 있다.

이정심 유엔여성기구 성평등센터 소장은 “여성 폭력은 언론, 정책, 법률, 학교 및 직장 등 다양한 단위에서 장기적으로 예방해야 하는 과제”라면서 “이번 워크숍은 폭력 예방을 향한 이해와 의지를 다지는 전략적 첫 걸음이 될 것”이라고 말했다.

해당 워크숍은 여성 폭력 예방을 위한 효과적인 프로그램 개발을 위해 참가자들에게 현존하는 자료, 전문가의 권고 및 실무자 합의에 기반한 프로그램 관련 지식을 공유한다. 이번 워크숍은 RESPECT 여성: 여성에 대한 폭력 예방을 위한 프레임워크에 제시된 7가지 전략에 대한 학습을 제공한다. 참가자들은 RESPECT 프레임워크에 따라 존중에 기반한 관계 함양, 여성의 경제적 자립 지원, 접근할 수 있는 서비스 보장, 빈곤 감소, 안전한 환경 조성, 아동 및 청소년 학대 예방, 사회적 관습 변화의 중요성에 관한 전략적 사례와 모델을 통해 살펴본다. 예방 프로그램 개발과 실행을 위한 유엔여성기구의 지침들도 소개돼 참가자들이 각국 참가들이 지역적 맥락에 따라 적용하는 데 도움을 준다.

워크숍에서 호주, 방글라데시, 캄보디아, 중국, 피지, 인도네시아, 인도, 대한민국, 베트남 및 동티모르의 정책 결정자들도 각국의 예방 프로그램 가운데 유망한 사례들을 교류할 계획이다. 대표적으로 국가적 폭력 예방 정책이 마련돼 있는 호주, 캄보디아, 피지, 동티모르 등 국가의 정책계획, 개발, 실행 및 모니터 경험이 공유된다. 이어 참가자들은 국가 수준에서 폭력 예방을 강화하기 위한 후속 조치 또한 제안한다.

멜리사 알바라도 (Melissa Alvarado) 유엔여성기구 여성폭력근절 (Ending Violence Against Women) 지역프로그램 전문가는 “지난 10년간 여성 대상 폭력 예방과 관련된 증거적 기반은 상당히 진화해서 우리는 이제 어떤 방법이 효과적인지 더 많이 알게 됐다”면서 “유엔여성기구는 3~5개년 프로그램을 통해 여성에 대한 폭력 예방이 실천 가능하다는 것을 보여주고 있다”라고 말했다.

지난해 11월 설립된 유엔여성기구 성평등센터는 여성에 대한 폭력 종식과 관련된 활동을 이어나가고 있다. 이번 워크숍은 올해 ‘디지털 젠더기반폭력 대응을 위한 국제 청년 역량강화’ 워크숍과 페미사이드 근절에 관한 국제 회의에 이어 센터가 진행하는 여성 대상 폭력 근절 관련 세 번째 아태 지역 행사이다.

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Media inquiries:

A.J. Lee

External Relations Specialist, UN Women [ Click to reveal ]

About UN Women 

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.