Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum 2025: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.


Photo: UN Women

English | Tetum

Dili, Timor-Leste — This evening, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Secretariat of State for Equality, and UN Women jointly hosted the "Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum". The event convened current and emerging women leaders from diverse sectors, providing a platform to discuss, inspire, and amplify the voices of women in leadership. The forum featured a dynamic dialogue among women leaders that fostered connections and collaborations.

The Forum celebrated the remarkable contributions of women to sustainable development and peace both globally and in Timor-Leste. It aimed to inspire transformative change by addressing structural barriers and gender-based discrimination that impede progress toward gender equality. By sharing stories of success and resilience, the event sought to encourage greater participation of Timorese women in leadership and decision-making roles, particularly in politics, diplomacy, peace, and security.

The President of Commission F of the National Parliament, Her Excellency Maria Gorumali Barreto, who spoke as a panelist, highlighted specific examples of women’s leadership driving significant positive changes. “In Timor-Leste, women leaders have played a critical role in advancing peace and development—whether through spearheading community health initiatives, strengthening education systems, or advocating for social security reforms. These stories of success must be told to inspire and empower more women to take on leadership roles. By celebrating these achievements, we demonstrate that women’s leadership is not only impactful but crucial for our collective progress as a nation,” said Her Excellency Ms. Barreto.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperations, His Excellency Bendito dos Santos Freitas said, “As the world advances toward a more inclusive future, the "Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum" stands as a testament to the power of collective effort in dismantling barriers, empowering women, and fostering transformative pathways for leadership and diplomacy."

Since 2023, the annual "Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum" had provided opportunities for dialogue and engagement among state actors and women leaders from diverse backgrounds. Building on its success, this year’s event highlighted the ongoing commitment to fostering collaboration and inspiring the next generation of leaders.”

In her opening remarks, Her Excellency Elvina Sousa Carvalho, the Secretary of State for Equality, emphasized the critical role of women in shaping Timor-Leste’s future. “Women have been at the forefront of our nation’s history and development. This Forum is a vital platform to recognize their achievements, address the persistent challenges they face, and ensure they have equal opportunities to lead and contribute to Timor-Leste’s growth. By empowering women, we are building a more inclusive, prosperous, and peaceful society,” said S.E. Carvalho.

In the panel dialogue, Hon. Catherine West MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Indo-Pacific) for the United Kingdom, who is visiting Timor-Leste as part of her tour to ASEAN countries, emphasized the importance of these events in promoting gender equality.

The Forum is part of a broader initiative supported by the Regional Project Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace: Preventing Violence and Promoting Social Cohesion in ASEAN, generously funded by the Governments of Canada, Korea, and the United Kingdom. This project provides vital support to ASEAN Member States and Observer State Timor-Leste in advancing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in the region, encouraging meaningful participation and representation of women in peace and security sectors.

UN Women Representative in Timor-Leste, Ms. Nishtha Satyam, who moderated the High-Level dialogue, emphasized the importance of creating spaces for solidarity among women leaders. “Creating platforms and spaces where women leaders can exchange informal notes and foster meaningful connections goes a long way in cementing solidarity between women leaders. Acknowledging the shared nature of their struggles may strengthen their collective resolve to push boundaries and dismantle barriers to leadership,” said Ms. Satyam.

Beyond the Forum, annual training workshops and capacity-building activities organized jointly by UN Women, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and the line ministries continue to equip women leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary to address gender and development issues effectively. These efforts also focus on localizing the WPS agenda to ensure its relevance and impact in Timor-Leste.

The Women in Leadership and Diplomacy Forum advances women’s leadership and promotes gender-responsive governance in Timor-Leste, contributing to the implementation of Timor-Leste’s national priorities in line with the 2023 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Concluding Observations, National Action Plan 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (2024-2028), National Action Plan on Gender-Based Violence (NAP GBV) (2022-2032), Maubisse Declaration (2018-2022), and other national policies promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Felix Maia, Communications Analyst 
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Fórum Feto iha Lideransa no Diplomasia 2025: Direitu sira. Igualdade. Empoderamentu

Data: 23 Janeiru 2025

Photo: UN Women

English | Tetum

Dili, Timor-Leste — Ohin kalan, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade, no UN Women hamutuk simu “Forum Feto iha Lideransa no Diplomasia”. Eventu ne'e halibur feto líder atuál no emerjente sira hosi setór oioin, hodi fornese plataforma ida atu diskute, inspira, no habelar feto sira-nia lian iha lideransa. Fórum ne'e hatudu diálogu dinámiku entre feto líder sira ne'ebé hametin ligasaun no kolaborasaun sira.

Fórum ne’e selebra feto sira-nia kontribuisaun notável ba dezenvolvimentu sustentável no pás tantu iha nível mundiál no iha Timor-Leste. Ida-ne'e hakarak atu inspira mudansa transformativu liuhosi rezolve barreira estruturál sira no diskriminasaun bazeia ba jéneru ne'ebé impede progresu ba igualdade jéneru. Hodi fahe istória kona-ba susesu no reziliénsia, eventu ne’e buka atu enkoraja partisipasaun boot liután hosi feto Timoroan sira iha kna’ar lideransa no foti desizaun nian, partikularmente iha polítika, diplomasia, pás, no seguransa.

Prezidente Komisaun F Parlamentu Nasionál, Sua Exelénsia Maria Gorumali Barreto, ne’ebé ko’alia nu’udar panelista, destaka ezemplu espesífiku sira kona-ba lideransa feto nian ne’ebé lori mudansa pozitivu signifikativu. “Iha Timor-Leste, lider feto sira hala’o ona papél krítiku hodi avansa pás no dezenvolvimentu—karik liuhosi lidera inisiativa saúde komunitária, hametin sistema edukasaun, ka halo advokasia ba reforma seguransa sosiál. Istória susesu sira-ne'e tenke konta atu inspira no kapasita feto barak liután atu kaer knaar lideransa nian. Hodi selebra realizasaun hirak ne’e, ita hatudu katak lideransa feto nian la’ós de’it iha impaktu maibé krusiál ba ita-nia progresu koletivu nu’udar nasaun ida,” dehan Sua Exelénsia Sra. Barreto.

Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun, Sua Exelénsia Bendito dos Santos Freitas hateten, “Bainhira mundu avansa ba futuru ida ne’ebé inkluzivu liu, ‘Fórum Feto iha Lideransa no Diplomasia’ hamriik nu’udar testamentu ida kona-ba kbiit esforsu koletivu nian iha desmantelamentu barreira sira, hakbiit feto sira, no haburas dalan transformativu sira ba lideransa no diplomasia”.

Desde 2023, "Fórum Feto sira iha Lideransa no Diplomasia" eventual anual ida ne’ebé fornese ona oportunidade sira ba diálogu no envolvimentu entre atór estadu sira no líder feto sira hosi orijen oioin. Haktuir susesu hirak ne’e, eventu tinan ida-ne'e nian destaka kompromisu ne'ebé la'o hela atu haburas kolaborasaun no inspira jerasaun lider sira tuirmai”.

Iha diskursu abertura nian, Sua Exelénsia Elvina Sousa Carvalho, Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade, subliña papél krítiku feto nian hodi forma Timor-Leste nia futuru. “Feto sira iha liña oin iha ita-nia nasaun nia istória no dezenvolvimentu. Fórum ida-ne’e nu’udar plataforma vitál ida atu rekoñese sira-nia realizasaun, hasoru dezafiu persistente ne’ebé sira hasoru, no garante katak sira iha oportunidade hanesan atu lidera no kontribui ba Timor-Leste nia kreximentu. Hodi hakbiit feto sira, ita harii sosiedade ida ne'ebé inkluzivu liu, prósperu, no pasífiku,” dehan S.E. Carvalho.

Iha diálogu painél, Hon. Deputada Catherine West, Sub-Sekretária Estadu (Indo-Pasífiku) Parlamentár ba Reinu Unidu, ne’ebé vizita hela Timor-Leste nu’udar parte ida hosi nia viajen ba nasaun sira ASEAN nian, subliña importánsia hosi eventu sira-ne’e hodi promove igualdade jéneru.

Fórum ne’e halo parte iha inisiativa ida ne’ebé luan liu ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi Projetu Rejionál Hakbiit Feto ba Dame Sustentável: Prevene Violénsia no Promove Koezaun Sosiál iha ASEAN, ne’ebé financia jenerozamente husi Governu Kanadá, Koreia, no Reinu Unidu. Projetu ida-ne’e fó apoiu vitál ba Estadu-membru ASEAN no Estadu Observadór Timor-Leste hodi avansa ajenda Feto, Pás no Seguransa (WPS) iha rejiaun ne’e, hodi enkoraja partisipasaun signifikativa no reprezentasaun feto sira-nian iha setór pás no seguransa.

Reprezentante UN Women nian iha Timor-Leste, Sra. Nishtha Satyam, ne’ebé modera diálogu Altu Nivel, subliña importánsia atu kria espasu ba solidariedade entre lider feto sira. “Kria plataforma no espasu sira iha ne'ebé feto líder sira bele troka nota informál sira no hametin ligasaun signifikativu sira ajuda tebes hodi hametin solidariedade entre feto líder sira. Rekoñese natureza koletivu hosi sira nia luta bele hametin sira nia rezolusaun koletiva atu dudu baliza sira no desmantela barreira sira ba lideransa”, dehan Sra. Satyam.

Aleinde Fórum ne’e, iha mos workshop formasaun anuál no atividade kapasitasaun ne’ebé organiza hamutuk husi UN Women, Ministériu Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no liña ministériu sira kontinua ekipa líder feto sira ho abilidade no koñesimentu ne’ebé nesesáriu atu rezolve kestaun jéneru no dezenvolvimentu ho efetivu. Esforsu sira ne’e mós foka ba lokalizasaun ajenda WPS nian hodi garante nia relevánsia no impaktu iha Timor-Leste.

Fórum  ne’e avansa lideransa feto nian no promove governasaun responsivu ba jéneru iha Timor-Leste, hodi kontribui ba implementasaun prioridade nasionál Timor-Leste nian tuir Konvensaun 2023 kona-ba Eliminasaun Forma Diskriminasaun Hotu-hotu hasoru Feto Konkluzaun Observasaun sira , Planu Asaun Nasionál 1325 kona-ba Feto, Pás no Seguransa (2024-2028), Planu Asaun Nasionál kona-ba Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru (NAP GBV) (2022-2032), Deklarasaun Maubisse (2018-2022), no polítika nasionál sira seluk ne'ebé promove igualdade jéneru no empoderamentu feto nian.

Ba pergunta sira hosi mídia, favór kontaktu:

Felix Maia
Communications Analyst
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