Asia-Pacific Regional Commemoration of International Women’s Day 2025

Event description

Start date: 06 March 2025 | Start time: 9:30 UTC +07:00 Bangkok time
End date: 06 March 2025 | End time: 17:00 UTC +07:00 Bangkok time
Deadline extended: 5 March 2025 | 11 AM.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Commemoration of International Women’s Day 2025, jointly convened by ESCAP and UN Women, will shine a spotlight on the highlight the transformative role of youth in driving innovation to achieve gender equality. Under the theme “For ALL Women and Girls: Equality. Rights. Empowerment”, this year’s commemoration celebrates the leadership and creativity of young people in advancing sustainable and inclusive development, with a focus on the green, digital, and care economies.
The year 2025 is a pivotal moment in the global pursuit of gender equality and women’s empowerment, as it marks the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. In Asia and the Pacific, the regional review culminated in the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30 Review, held in Bangkok from 19 to 21 November 2024. The conference provided a platform for high-level dialogue, the sharing of progress and challenges, and the adoption of the Asia-Pacific Beijing+30 Declaration, which will feed into the global dialogue during the CSW69 session in March 2025.
The Commemoration will serve as a dynamic platform to celebrate excellence, amplify youth-led innovations, and inspire transformative action. Specifically, the event aims to:
- Recognize and celebrate the efforts of youth in shaping a sustainable, inclusive and gender-equal future through innovation, particularly in the green, digital and care economies.
- Showcase innovative youth-led solutions to advance gender equality that can serve as inspiration for replication and scale up across the Asia-Pacific region.
- Inspire action and encourage others to draw from these examples and take bold steps that will drive the transformation of care systems across the region.
- Foster collaboration and strengthen partnerships between governments, civil society and youth-led organizations, the private sector, international organizations and other diverse stakeholders to advance gender equality though innovation.
All relevant information on this Commemoration will be made available in due course on the ESCAP website at https://www.unescap.org/events/2025/asia-pacific-regional-commemoration-international-womens-day-2025-iwd-2025-innovation.
All participants are kindly requested to register via [this link] by 5 March 2025 at 11:00 AM.