UN Women Asia and the Pacific
“I've seen firsthand the impact that women peacekeepers can have on the ground”
"They're more likely to engage with local communities, particularly women and children, and understand their needs and concerns.." says Lt. Col. Peabprom Mekhiyanont ... Learn more
New UN research reveals impact of AI and cybersecurity on women, peace and security
Systemic issues can put women’s security at risk when artificial intelligence (AI) is adopted, and gender biases across widely used AI-systems ... Learn more
The horror of the flood killed the child in his mother’s womb
"Around 7.30 p.m. I was at home with my daughter and 11 children and grandchildren of different ages, sitting at the table to have dinner. Suddenly, we heard a terrible sound and the house started shaking ..." Learn more
In Focus: Beijing+30 in Asia Pacific
The 30th anniversary of Beijing opens new opportunities to reconnect, regenerate commitment, charge up political will and mobilize the public and to take stock of progress made and actions required to address barriers to gender equality ... Learn more
Illustration: UN Women/Stephen Tierney
‘Women peacekeepers are stronger than you think’

Uniformed women—police and military—represent less than 10 per cent of the over 64,000 UN Peacekeeping personnel deployed today. Lt. Colonel Rubana has served with UN Peacekeeping in Cote d’Ivoire and South Sudan. “There is balance in everything in nature. Peacekeeping missions too need balanced representation. When women plan things, they pay attention to even the minor details, the small things. Men typically focus on the big picture. When you combine both, you get the most workable plan.” ... more

Photos: UN Women/Magfuzur Rahman Shana
Cox's Bazar marks 16 days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

Over 500 people including refugees, host communities, government officials and development partners joined different events organized to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence 2023 in Cox’s Bazar ... more

Gender-responsive procurement helps boost women’s businesses in Viet Nam

Hong was inspired to start her business during a workshop in the Philippines in 2011. Her company, Minh Hong Ltd. Co., now has 6 employees and provides income opportunities for 150 women in her community. These women earn up to 7 million VND (approximately 250 US dollars) per month by fermenting wasted flowers and vegetables, which they then sell to Hong's company to produce cleaning products. Currently, the company has 100 agents and 5 distributors and aims to expand further to create more employment opportunities for disadvantaged women ... more

Women as environmental stewards are silenced no more

Beijing+30 Youth Blog: Maryam Eqan | Women worldwide bear the disproportionate burden of climate change. Whether collecting water in drought-stricken areas, tilling degraded lands, or bearing the brunt of extreme weather events, women are often at the forefront ... more

🔖 Statements
Photo: UN Women/Ryan Brown
Time to get serious about ending violence, allocating serious resources



📸 Featured photo
Photo: UN Women/Aelice

Women peacekeepers at the Women’s Military Peacekeeping Operations Course (WMPOC) in the Republic of Korea (RoK). The training course aims to increase women’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations. The WMPOC training provides women peacekeepers with the required knowledge to foster their development and contributions to UN peacekeeping operations ... Read more


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