Pacific Regional Ending Violence against Women Facility Fund

For the Fund’s initial creation, the Pacific Regional Facility Fund in Support of Organisations and Actions to Eliminate Violence against Women (Pacific Regional EVAW Facility Fund) began in 2009 and closed in 2018, providing grants and capacity building to support EVAW initiatives led by governments and civil society organisations in Pacific Region.
The UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office, in consultation with partners, identified two main challenges facing Pacific organisations and networks to scale up efforts to end violence against women in the Pacific region. These were:
(i) Limited access to financial resources, and related needs for skills building in project, financial and organisational management, and
(ii) Knowledge and capacity needed to strengthen rights based approaches for VAW survivors.
UN Women created the Pacific Regional EVAW Facility Fund to provide regional and country-based technical assistance for grant recipients, and a forum for regional south-south exchanges to share experiences, challenges and solutions.
Programme Overview
The four major components of the Pacific Regional EVAW Facility are:
- Grants Facility: A funding window from USD 10,000– 100,000 with a collaborative review processes at national and regional levels.
- Capacity Development: In-Country Technical Assistance/Help Desk Personnel
- Technical training on Ending VAW
- Advocacy and lobbying for legislative and policy change (with RRRT)
- Project and Organisation Management Services / Response
- Preventing violence
- Participation at the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre’s Regional Training Programme on Rights-Based Approaches to Ending VAW
- Grantees’ Learning Exchange events/meetings
- Developing resources for the Pacific: Examples include the production of a toolkit on rights based approaches to EVAW programming, production and dissemination of good practice materials, and video documentation of regional lessons learned on EVAW programming by grantees.
- Monitoring and Evaluation: UN Women supports grantees through site visits, mentoring and technical assistance on their implementation and reporting. In response to challenges in results-based reporting from grantees, UN Women has significantly increased support on monitoring, reporting and documentation of achievements. Monitoring tools seek to document actions and what happens as a result of those actions.