Terminal report for Valuing the Social Cost of Migration across Four Countries in Asia: An Exploratory Study

Nanette Dungo, Aree Jampaklay, Aurora Javate de Dios, Aswatini Raharto, Melanie Reyes
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the political, economic and social dimensions and costs of migration and consequences on the family, community and society. The study analyzes the social outcomes of migration and identifies strategies in response to the issues of families left behind with further examination of the government policy framework on migration in Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines to justify the deployment of hundreds of thousands of women and men to work abroad. The study also inquires about the effectiveness of government programmes in addressing issues related to migrants and migrant families. Lastly, the study looks into the following issues of displacement, adjustment and adaptation faced by individuals within the family in response to the problems brought about by the migration of a family member.

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Geographic coverage: Indonesia Thailand Philippines
Resource type(s): Case studies
Publication year
Number of pages