Ha Noi Recommendations for Action on Gender and DRR

In response to these concerns, the Regional Asia-Pacific Conference on Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction was held between 16 and 18 May 2016, organized by UN Women and the Government of Viet Nam, in collaboration with UNISDR, UNDP, and other partners, with support from the Government of Japan. The conference brought together over 300 participants from Viet Nam and twenty-two countries across the Asia-Pacific region to identify actions to ensure implementation of the Sendai Framework in the region will be gender responsive and inclusive. The participants agreed on the following set of recommendations for action, and agree to work towards incorporating these into regional and national DRR decision making processes, including the Asia Regional Plan for Implementation of Sendai Framework that is expected to be adopted at the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in November 2016, and the Strategy for Climate and Disaster Resilient Development in the Pacific, which is expected to be endorsed by the Pacific Islands Development Forum leaders in 2016.
The drafting of the recommendations took into account the complexities that the region is facing in addressing disaster risks including the impacts of climate change, increasing inequalities between regions and between population groups - disability, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, among...