Listening to the voices of women migrant workers: Gender mainstreaming in the draft Law on Vietnamese Workers Working Abroad under Contract (amended)

The Law on Vietnamese workers working abroad under contracts is under revision process. The draft amended Law is expected to be submitted to the XIV National Assembly, the 10th Session in October 2020 for approval. The report “Listening to the voices of women migrant workers – gender mainstreaming in the draft Law on Vietnamese working abroad (amended) based on qualitative study on experiences of women migrant workers and legal analysis, to provide recommendations to improve the revised Law from a gender and rights-based perspective.
The report was prepared under the Safe and Fair Program: Realizing the rights and opportunities for women migrant workers in the ASEAN region, part of the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate violence against women and girls, a global, multiple year initiative between European Union and the United Nations. The Safe and Fair programme is implemented through a partnership between ILO and UN Women.