Review of gender-responsiveness and disability-inclusion in disaster risk reduction in Asia and the Pacific

This report includes an assessment of the extent to which progress towards the targets of the Sendai Framework has been gender-responsive and disability-inclusive. The guiding research question for the assessment is as follows: how do selected countries in the Asia-Pacific region identify and address diverse needs of disadvantaged groups, characterized by sex, age, and disability, in the context of DRR? By addressing this question, this report creates a baseline to monitor national and regional progress towards gender equality and social inclusion in DRR.
The review of national DRR strategies and action plans included 26 countries in Asia and the Pacific and captured how they translate international commitments and recommendations into national DRR frameworks. The review followed the four priorities for action of the Sendai Framework, and it used the Hanoi Recommendations for Action on Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction (2016) as a benchmark for approaches to inclusive DRR in national policies.
The review identified main barriers and recommends corresponding actions for inclusive DRR for Asia and the Pacific.
1) Insufficient capacities to mainstream gender-equal and socially inclusive DRR, due to a lack of understanding of the root causes of vulnerability:
- Improve understanding of the root causes of disaster risk and unequal distribution of impacts and vulnerability, through SADDD and improved capacities for qualitative analyses.
- Address knowledge gaps on specific vulnerabilities experienced by different social groups.
- Apply an intersectional lens while implementing the Sendai Framework.
2) Lack of stable funding for inclusive DRR:
- Secure the resources for inclusive DRR through gender-responsive budgeting and mainstream gender equality and social inclusion through dedicated institutions.
- Set up a national monitoring and evaluation mechanism to ensure the implementation of inclusive DRR.
3) Lack of coordination between stakeholders:
- Streamline SADDD collection through unified and centralized monitoring platforms and enhance capacities for applying an inclusive lens in data analysis.
- Institutionalise multi-stakeholder cooperation at all levels, and bolster resources for local organizations working on gender and social inclusion.
- Ensure meaningful participation of various groups, including promoting the agency of women and people with disabilities.