The State of Gender Equality and Climate Change in Cambodia

The State of Gender Equality and Climate Change in Cambodia

Cambodia is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of weather variability and climate change and will be more so by the end of this century. Thus, the assessment report on The State of Gender Equality and Climate Change in Cambodia aims to analyse the gendered impacts of climate change and raise awareness about the benefits of, and need for gender-responsive climate action in the country. This study will strengthen country-driven processes by presenting more evidence of the links between gender equality and climate change and analysing gendered impacts in the key adaptation and mitigation sectors of Agriculture, Energy, Forestry and Rural Development. At the same time, it will provide country-specific recommendations on how to enhance gender responsive policy implementation and further bolster the integration of gender equality in climate-relevant policy areas.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Cambodia
Resource type(s): Assessments
Publication year
Number of pages
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