WeRise Toolkit for Accelerators
This toolkit is created specifically for for and with accelerators in Asia and Europe that are focussing on becoming more gender-smart and providing better access to finance for the women-led SMEs they support. By accelerator programmes, we mean organizations providing entrepreneur support services directly to men or women entrepreneurs and organizations that offer larger ecosystem programmes to entrepreneurs, investors and others. The toolkit was co-created with entrepreneurs, accelerators and finance experts from both Asia and Europe. Through interactive workshops and pilot training sessions with them, we set out to make the materials as practical and applicable for you as possible.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Asia and the Pacific
Subject areas:
Anti-violence interventions
Economic empowerment
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender data gaps
Gender data production and collection
Gender data use and accessibility
Gender equality indicators
Gender statistics
Gender wage gap
Monitoring and evaluation
Sexual harassment
UN Women office publishing:
Asia and the Pacific Regional Office
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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