Measuring Social Norm Change through storytelling
Measuring social norm change through storytelling" is a longitudinal research conducted by UN Women Nepal, with financial support from the Government of Finland, to understand the pathways of social norm change that can support country strategy and adaptive programming. The research adopted a feminist and participatory mass storytelling methodology. This placed the participants, who were mainly women and girls, at the centre of their own storytelling. Over 1,000 stories were collected across five districts in four provinces of Nepal. This report presents the findings of the baseline research.
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Bibliographic information
Geographic coverage:
Asia and the Pacific
Subject areas:
Ending violence against women and girls
Gender equality and inequality
Women’s rights
Resource type(s):
Research and programme
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies:
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
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