GEDSI Responsive DDR Audit Guideline


Developed to support the mainstreaming of disaster risk reduction and management for a disaster-safe, adaptive and resilient Nepal, the GEDSI Responsive DRR Audit Guideline 2080, evaluates the effective implementation of policies, procedures, structures, plans and budgets related to DRR at the local level.

This guideline has been developed to inform on its scope, procedure, implementation and reporting, under the technical guidance of UN Women Nepal, financial support from the European Union Humanitarian Aid and support from UNDP, UNICEF as part of the Strengthening Urban Preparedness, Earthquake Preparedness and Response in Western Regions of Nepal (SUPER) project.

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Nepal
Resource type(s): Manuals/guides
Publication year
Number of pages
Publishing entity/ies: Agencies/entities