Women and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Women and girls make up more than half the world’s population — and they are on the frontlines — often more deeply impacted than men and boys by poverty, climate change, food insecurity, lack of healthcare, and global economic crises. Their contributions and leadership are central to finding a solution.
With the new global 2030 roadmap and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we take a look at how women are affected by each of the 17 proposed SDGs, as well as how women and girls can — and will — be key to achieving each of these goals.
Asia-Pacific Member States Commit for Gender Equality
On 27 September, the Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Commitment to Action, co-organized by UN Women and the Chinese Government, resulted in unprecedented political support at the highest level for our agenda. Governments have made concrete national commitments to ensure women and girls can reach their full potential by 2030. Among 80 Member States globally...more
Why gender equality is the most critical of all the global goals
At the end of this month, thousands of representatives from all over the world will gather in New York. They will witness the launch of the most ambitious universal effort since the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. The reshaping and re-stating of the "larger freedom" of those rights in a new agenda has a deadline of 2030 for a new, fairer, more sustainable world, with at its centre the...more
Women and Sustainable Development Goals - Viet Nam towards 2030
On 25 September 2015, the UN Member States adopted a roadmap to sustainable development by 2030. In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the accompanying Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), gender equality and women’s empowerment is recognized as a vital means to help accelerate sustainable development through a key stand-alone development goal (SDG5) and through gender mainstreamed in all other goals. This booklet builds on UN Women's analysis on Women and the... ...more
On 2 August 2015, the outcome document of the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 was agreed by consensus by Member States. The outcome document will be presented to the Summit for adoption in September 2015. From a gender perpective, the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets address many concerns and therefore represent a significant step forward compared to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). As a result of...more