UN Women and Civil Service Commission Collaborate to Promote Equal Opportunities and Reduce Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Timor-Leste
Dili, Timor-Leste — Today, UN Women in Timor-Leste signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Timor-Leste's Civil Service Commission (CSC) for advancing gender equality in public administration, including ensuring zero tolerance of sexual harassment and upholding equal opportunities for a stronger civil service.

The President of the CSC, Dr. Faustino Cardoso Gomes, in his remarks, noted, "The mandate of CSC is to reform the public service. An important aspect of the reform is to create a public sector that is inclusive, professional and healthy. Therefore, based on the strategic objective of CSC, we collaborate with UN Women and SEIGIS (Secretary of State for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion) to transform the public service that is inclusive for both men and women."
The Civil Service Commission and UN Women began collaboration in 2016, with the development of Guidelines for Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Civil Service. The Guidelines were launched jointly by the Civil Service Commission, the Secretary of State for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion and UN Women on 11 December 2017, in closing the annual 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence Campaign.

"In this context, going forward, CSC will collaborate with UN Women as well as SEIGIS, to develop a strategy for dissemination and raise public awareness at both national and municipal level, so that all civil servants better understand (about sexual harassment) and when any case of sexual harassment arises, know how to proceed with it" Dr. Gomes continued.
UN Women Head of Office in Timor-Leste, Ms. Sunita Caminha, said in her remarks, outlining the partnership, "the Civil Service Commission has notably placed gender equality and accountability at the centre of efforts to strengthen Public Administration. UN Women is proud to continue our collaboration with the Commission to accelerate this vision so that women, men and all people, have equal opportunities to lead together and contribute in a workplace free of sexual harassment and discrimination."
Through the MoU, UN Women will provide support from 2018-2019 in three pillars toward improved gender equality as envisioned in the Civil Service Commission's Strategic Plan: promotion of gender-sensitive policies and training programmes in Public Administration; promotion of transformative leadership for gender equality across sectors; and advocacy for Zero Tolerance of sexual harassment in Public Administration.
The partnership will strengthen the coordination between institutions and line ministries, improve capacity development of civil servants and involve institutional partners, such as the Secretary of State for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion, the Ministry of State Administration and the National Institute for Public Administration, Ministries of Defense and Security, Justice, Finance, Social Solidarity, Secretary of State for Institutional Strengthening, Ombudsman's Office, the National Police, and National Commission for the Rights of the Child.
Reiterating the role of the Commission, Ms. Caminha stated that, "As the largest employer in Timor-Leste, the Civil Service Commission has an important opportunity in shaping the institutional culture across the public administration. UN Women looks forward to working together with the Commission, civil servants and civil society to promote a culture where leadership is shared, gender diversity is celebrated and the workplace is safe and inclusive, leaving no one behind."
For more information:
Felix Maia
Communications Officer
UN Women Timor-Leste
Tel: (670) 7833 9440 | Email: [ Click to reveal ]
Dili, Timor-Leste — Iha Sesta-feira ne'e, UN Women iha Timor-Leste asina ona Nota Entedimentu ho Komisaun Funsaun Públika (KFP) hodi bele promove igualdade jéneru iha administrasaun públika, inklui asegura zero toleransia ba asédiu seksuál no kaer metin ba oportunidade hanesan hodi bele hametin tan servisu sívil.

Prezidente KFP, Dr. Faustino Cardoso Gomes, iha ninia diskursu badak dehan:"Mandatu husi KFP (daruak) nian mak atu reforma funsaun públiku. No aspeitu importante husi reforma ne'e mak kria funsaun públiku ida ne'ebé inkluziva, profisional no mos saudavel. Tan ne'e tuir objetivu estratéjiku importante ida husi KFP nian mak ami kolabora ho UN Women no SEIGIS (Antes SEM) atu kria funsaun públiku ida inkluzivu ba feto no mane".
Komisaun Funsaun Públiku no UN Women komesa iha kolaborasaun husi tinan 2016, liuhusi dezenvolvimentu Manual Operasaun ba Asédiu Seksuál nian. Manuál ne'e lansa hamutuk ona husi KFP, Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade Jéneru no Inkluzaun Sosiál (SEIGIS), no UN Women iha loron 11 fulan Dezembru 2017, hodi taka ofisialmente Kampaña Loron 16 Ativizmu nian hodi Elimina Violénsia Bazeia ba Jéneru.

"Iha ámbitu ida ne'e mak ba oin, KFP hamutuk ho UN Women no mos SEIGIS, sei dezenvolve estratejia ba sosializasaun no mos diseminasaun iha nível nasionál no mos nível munísipiu, hodi nune'e funsionáriu sira hotu bele komprende didiak no hatene oinsá mak atu halo asaun karik iha problema asédiu seksuál" Dr. Gomes kontinua.
Reprezentante UN Women iha Timor-Leste nian Sra. Sunita Caminha, iha ninia diskursu hodi trasa parseria ne'e katak "Komisaun Funsaun Públika hatuur ona igualdade jéneru no mos kontabilidade hanesan sentru ba esforsu hodi hametin tan Administrasaun Públika. UN Women sente orgullu tebes bele kontinua kolaborasaun hamutuk ho KFP hodi bele aselera vizaun ida katak feto no mane, no ema hotu, tenki iha oportunidade hanesan hodi bele lidera hamutuk no mos kontribui ba fatin serbisu ida ne'ebé livre husi asédiu seksuál no mos diskriminasaun."
Liu husi Nota Entendimentu ne'e, UN Women sei fornese suporta durante tinan 2018-2019 ba iha pilár tolu (3) hodi bele hadian ba igualdade jéneru tuir vizaun ne'ebé hatuur ona iha KFP ninia Planu Estratéjiku: promosaun ba polítika no programa formasaun iha Administrasaun Públika ida ne'ebé sensivel ba jéneru no; promosaun ba lideransa transformativu ba igualdade jéneru iha setór hotu-hotu; no mos advokasia ba Zero Toleránsia ba asédiu seksuál iha Administrasaun Públiku.
Parseria ne'e sei hametin tan koordenasaun entre instituisaun sira no mos liña ministerial sira, hadian dezenvolvimentu kapasidade funsionáriu públiku no involve parseira institusional, hanesan SEIGIS, Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál, Ministériu ba Defeza no Seguransa, Justisa, Finansa, Sosiál Solidaridade, Sekretaria Estadu ba Fortalesimentu Institusionál, Provedoria Direitus Umanu no Justisa, PNTL, no mos Komisaun Nasionál ba Direitu Labarik sira nian.
Reafirma fali papél importante KFP nian, Sra. Caminha temi katak "Nuudar empregadór boot liu iha Timor-Leste, Komisaun Funsaun Públika, iha oportunidade importante atu forma kultura insitusionál iha administrasaun públika tomak. UN Women antesipa tebes atu serbisu hamutuk ho KFP, funsionáriu públiku, sosiedade sivíl hodi promove kultura ida ne'ebé involve ema hotu, sei selebra diversidade jéneru no fatin serbisu ida ne'ebé serguru no mos inkluzivu, no se la husik ema ida iha kotuk."
Informasuan Kompletu bele kontaktu::
Felix Maia
Ofisiál Komunikasaun
UN Women iha Timor-Leste
Tel: (670) 7833 9440 | Email: [ Click to reveal ]