Provincial services gather in Honiara to improve support for women and girl victims of sexual and gender-based violence


Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs

(Solomon Islands) – About 80 service providers from Malaita, Isabel, Temotu, Western and other provinces are gathering in Honiara to find ways to further improve support for women and girl victims of sexual and gender-based violence.

The SAFENET National Inception Workshop, at the Mendana Hotel in Honiara from 8-9 May, presents the findings from months of consultations in the four provinces, about the SAFENET approach to improving services and support for victims of violence against women and girls - often called ‘survivors’. 

It was a full room on the opening day of the SAFENET National Inception Workshop with representatives from all 9 provinces, including the 4 provinces that recently completed SAFENET consultations. Photo: UN Women/ Jacqui Berrell

Central to the SAFENET approach is ensuring all frontline services providers – from police to hospital and crisis centre staff – are better coordinated to provide the best possible survivor-centred response and ongoing support to for gender-based violence victims.

The SAFENET network of government and non-government organizations is led by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) supported by UN Women, through the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership) funded by the European Union and Australian Government with support from UN Women.

The two days SAFENET National Inception Workshop is part of the weeklong Gender Equality and Women’s Development National Stakeholders workshop currently underway in Honiara.
Dr Cedric Alependava, Permanent Secretary for MWYCFA, explained “this is an incredibly important workshop for rural and urban service providers to come together and agree on ways that we can best ensure women and girls victims of gender-based violence get better services and support.”

“This builds on many years of work by MWYCFA and the SAFENET network, with ongoing technical guidance and support from UN Women, which this year continues through the new Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls thanks to funding from the Australian Government and European Union,” Dr Alependava said.

The workshop is the culmination of months of consulting with provincial government, faith-based groups, civil society and other organisations about the SAFENET approach and its national implementation.

Presenting at the SAFENET workshop was Vaela Ngai, Director, Women Development Division, Ministry Of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA). Photo: UN Women/ Jacqui Berrell

The consultations were led by MWYCFA with support from UN Women, from November 2018 to March 2019, across Malaita, Isabel, Temotu and Western provinces.

Consultation findings being discussed at this week’s national workshop cover topics including the SAFENET Standard Operating Procedures; guiding principles and survivor-centred approaches; SAFENET governance systems; minimum standards and data collection; and other aspects of the SAFENET approach.

The survivor-centred approach is clearly outlined in the SAFENET Guidebook of Standard Operating Procedures for the Multisectoral Response, Referral and Coordination of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (GBV), launched late 2018 and now being rolled out nationally through the provincial consultations and the national workshop.

Speaking at the SAFENET event, UN Women Fiji MCO Deputy Representative, Sarah Boxall, said UN Women is proud to be continuing its long-term commitment to supporting initiatives for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (GBV) in Solomon Islands.

“Since 2012, UN Women has been providing dedicated support to prevent and respond to violence against women and girls in Solomon Islands, by strengthening capacity within government and civil society to expand survivor services and stop violence before it starts,” said Ms Boxall.

“The Pacific Partnership will build on previous joint programmes such as the UN-Solomon Islands Government Joint Programme and the UN Essential Service Programme (ESP) in Solomon Islands, to expand access to services to the most remote and rural parts of the country and support the implementation of the government’s key policies addressing this issue.”

At the SAFENET National Inception Workshop, MWYCFA Permanent Secretary, Dr Cedric Alependava, highlighted how the national government has at the top of its agenda the need to improve gender equality and women’s empowerment, and to significantly reduce levels of sexual and gender-based violence.

SAFENET members use the workshop to confirm strategies to progress the national implementation of the Standard Operating Procedures for Referral and Coordination for Sexual and Gender Based Violence. Photo: UN Women/ Jacqui Berrell

“A key priority of the MWYCFA in its implementation of the Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Policy and the national Family Protection Act 2014 is to ensure survivors of gender-based violence have access to essential quality services both at national and provincial levels,” said

“For this reason, we strongly support and the SAFENET Guidebook and its Standard Operating Procedures that aim better align government and non-government service providers in order to assist and support survivors and victims of domestic violence in a way that ‘does no harm’ and is survivor-centred,” Dr Alependava said.

“The Standard Operating Procedures developed by SAFENET better coordinate the various frontline response services – from police to hospital, legal, faith based and Christian care centre staff – to provide the best possible survivor-centred response, referrals and ongoing support to women and girl survivors of violence,” Dr Alependava said.

The SAFENET network was established to strengthen response, referral and coordination of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) services in the Solomon Islands. Members of the SAFENET network are: Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA); Ministry of Health and Medical Services; Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF); Public Solicitors Office (PSO); Family Support Center (FSC), Christian Care Center (CCC) and Solomon Islands Planned Parenthood Association. As SAFENET is rolled out to the provinces, its membership is increasing to include local civil society and women’s groups who play a key role in referring support services to survivors of gender-based violence who live in remote villages.

The Guidebook was developed over several years by the SAFENET members under the leadership of the Solomon Islands Government, written with extensive technical support from UN Women Fiji MCO, and funded through the global UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women.

The SAFENET network continues to be supported through UN Women and the Essential Services Programme (ESP) in Solomon Islands, through the new Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls funded by the European Union and Australian Government with support from UN Women. ESP and SAFENET was formerly supported by UN Women through funding from the Australian Government, from 2017-2019.   

In Solomon Islands, data indicates about 64 per cent  of the nation’s women experience physical or sexual intimate partner violence - twice the global average.

Media enquiries should be directed to:
  • Mary Kivo, Information and Networking Officer, MWYCFA: ph: 7380645 / 23544
  • Ms Vaela Ngai, Acting Director, WDD, Ministry Of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs:
  • For information on funding and support for SAFENET and ESP in the Solomon Islands: UN Women Solomon Islands, Doris Puiahi or Alvina Erekali:

SAFENET: SAFENET is a network of government and non-government organizations aiming to strengthen referral and coordination of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) services in the Solomon Islands. It aims to streamline the assistance being provided to survivors and help them access more timely and necessary services. 

It has four inter-connected components: SGBV direct services and support; referral to other service providers through an agreed and coordinated formal referral process; prevention and advocacy programmes, and a governance and accountability framework. The SAFENET network is led by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) supported by UN Women, through the Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership) funded by the European Union and Australian Government with support from UN Women.

Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls: The Pacific Partnership to End Violence Against Women and Girls (Pacific Partnership) brings together governments, civil society organisations, communities and other partners to promote gender equality, prevent violence against women and girls (VAWG), and increase access to quality response services for survivors. The programme will build on the decades of work led in the region by civil society and governments to address this issue.

The EUR 19.5million programme is funded primarily by the European Union (EUR12.7m) with targeted support from the Australian Government (EUR6.2m) and cost-sharing from UN Women (EUR0.6m). It is being jointly coordinated by the Pacific Community (SPC), the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (Forum Secretariat) and UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office.


[1] Resource: Findings from the Solomon Islands Family Health and Safety Studies (FHSS): A study on violence against women and children. Conducted by UNFPA and the Pacific Community (SPC) across 11 Pacific countries including Solomon Islands. Studies are online: The 2009 Family Health and Safety study found that 64% of Solomon islands women aged 15 to 49 who have ever been in a relationship reported experiencing physical and/ or sexual violence by an intimate partner, while 29% reported violence from someone other than an intimate partner. Violence against girls is also prevalent, including commercial sexual exploitation associated with the logging, tourism and fishing industries.