New UN Women Office in the Republic of Korea Convenes Partners to Advance Gender Equality


[Press release]

The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality office.  Photo: UN Women/A.J. Lee 
The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality office. Photo: UN Women/A.J. Lee
Photo: UN Women/Jaeki Kim
The new UN Women office in the Republic of Korea convened its partners today to advance gender equality in the Asia-Pacific region. Photo: UN Women/Jaeki Kim

English | 한국어

Seoul, Republic of Korea — Over 100 partners and guests gathered in Seoul to celebrate the formal opening of the new office of the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (“the Centre”) in Seoul. The reception was attended by government officials, members of the diplomatic community, representatives of UN agencies, civil society leaders, and experts from the Republic of Korea (“Korea”) and countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

With support from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MOGEF) of the Republic of Korea (“Korea”), the Centre has been established to improve the implementation of normative and policy frameworks and address discriminatory social norms and practices that perpetuate gender inequality in Asia and the Pacific. Leveraging UN Women’s technical and operational capacities as well as existing networks and platforms, the Centre provides specialized gender trainings to diverse stakeholders, conducts research and promotes gender statistics, and facilitates multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance gender equality. The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality is the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region.

To date, the Centre has helped train over 200 people from various groups and institutions within the Asia-Pacific region on several themes such as ending violence against women, climate change and disaster risk reduction, and gender data and statistics.

This week in Seoul (on 6-8 December 2022), the Centre is also convening an expert consultation on Women and Technology Data. The consultation brings together leading gender and data experts from Korea and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss how women and men interact with technology and how benefits of technology for gender equality can be harnessed. In 2023, the Centre plans to scale up its activities, including a thematic focus on women and technology in alignment with the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).

In her congratulatory speech at the Reception, Minister Kim Hyunsook said, “I hope that the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality will grow into an organization that contributes to strengthening gender equality policies for a sustainable future in Asia and the Pacific and beyond.”

Attending the reception, H.E. Catherine Raper, Australian Ambassador to Korea, said: “The opening of the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality is a proud moment for the Republic of Korea and an important development for our region. Now it is more important than ever for us to promote and achieve gender equality. I look forward to this Centre playing a meaningful and significant role in advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women.”

Jeongshim Lee, Director of the Centre, said: “Our Centre aims to become a knowledge and partnership hub for the Asia-Pacific region.” “We also hope to contribute to evidence-based policy-making for realization of the gender equality agenda,” Ms. Lee added. 

After the signing of the agreement between MOGEF and UN Women earlier this year, the Centre has recruited staff through open international processes, held its first Steering Committee meeting, and finalized the office renovation. The new office of the Centre has been set up in the Seoul Global Centre, which houses several other UN agencies such as UNICEF, OHCHR, and FAO.

Media inquiries:

A.J. Lee
External Relations Specialist, UN Women. | Email:

About UN Women

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential. 

In photos


보도자료, 국문

유엔여성기구(UN Women) 성평등센터, 서울글로벌센터에서 개소 축하 행사 개최

데이트: 2022.12.07

The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality office.  P사진: 유엔여성기구 
The UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality office. 사진: 유엔여성기구
Photo: UN Women/Jaeki Kim
The new UN Women office in the Republic of Korea convened its partners today to advance gender equality in the Asia-Pacific region. Photo: UN Women/Jaeki Kim

English | 한국어

서울 — '유엔여성기구 성평등센터'(UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality)가 서울 종로구 소재 서울 글로벌센터에 사무실을 오픈하고 공식적인 개소를 축하하는 자리를 마련했다. 김현숙 여성가족부 장관을 비롯한 한국 정부 관계자, 주한 대사, 국제기구 대표, 시민사회리더, 국내외 젠더 전문가 등 약 100여명이 참석 하였다. 서울글로벌센터에는 유니세프(UNICEF), 유엔식량농업기구(FAO), 유엔인권최고대표사무소(OHCHR) 등 여러 국제기구가 위치하고 있다.

유엔여성기구 성평등센터는 ‘지식 및 파트너쉽 허브’로서, 연구, 트레이닝, 지식 공유, 네트워킹 활성화 등의 활동을 통하여 아시아태평양 지역에서 지속가능개발목표 달성을 위한 혁신적 접근법을 전파하고, 유해한 사회적 규범을 바꾸고, 여러 부문 간의 파트너십을 구축하는 데 기여하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 또한 성평등을 개선한 한국의 전문성과 인력을 활용하고, 유엔여성기구의 지역 및 글로벌 네트워크를 통해 한국의 모범 사례와 경험을 다른 나라와 공유할 계획이다.

행사에 참석한 김현숙 여성가족부 장관은 “유엔여성기구 성평등센터가 아시아태평양 지역뿐만 아니라 전 세계의 지속가능한 미래를 위해 양성평등 정책 역량을 강화하는 기관으로 자리매김 하길 바란다”고 밝혔다. 아울러 캐서린 레이퍼 주한 호주 대사는 “유엔여성기구 성평등센터의 출범은 한국에게는 자랑스러운 순간이며 우리 [아시아태평양] 지역에는 중요한 진전이라고 생각된다”며 “지금이 그 어느 때보다 성평등을 증진시키고 이뤄내는데 중요한 시점이다”라고 말했다. 이정심 유엔여성기구 성평등센터 소장은 “센터가 앞으로 아시아태평양 지역의 지식 및 파트너쉽 허브가 되기를 목표로 두고 있다”면서 “성평등 달성을 위한 증거 기반 정책 수립에도 기여하기를 희망한다”라고 말했다.

올 상반기에 대한민국정부와 ‘유엔여성기구 성평등센터 운영에 관한 교환각서(조약)’ 체결을 완료한 이후, 유엔여성기구는 그간 직원 채용, 운영위원회 개최, 사무실 공사 등 센터 운영의 초석을 다졌다. 출범 이후 현재까지 센터는 아시아태평양 지역의 다양한 그룹 및 기관 인사 200명을 대상으로 젠더 트레이닝을 지원하였고 12월 6일 (화) 부터 8일(목)까지 3일동안 ‘젠더 디지털 격차 해소를 위한 여성과 과학기술 연결고리 탐구’에 대한 국제 전문가 회의를 서울에서 개최하고 있다. 2023년에는 ‘여성과 테크놀러지’ 등, 국제사회에서 화두가 되고 있는 주제에 관하여 연구, 성평등 관련 통계 작업, 트레이닝, 대외협력 활동을 확대해 나갈 계획이다.


A.J. Lee
대외협력팀장, UN Women | Tel: 02-720-7228 | Email:

About UN Women

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.

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