Regional training workshop: Accelerating Gender-Responsive Climate Action and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Implementation in Asia and the Pacific

Event description
Date: 1-3 May 2024

UN Women has been working with partners worldwide to further gender-responsive climate action and enhance the voice and leadership of women in climate-related decision-making processes. As highlighted in the recent Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Synthesis Report 2023, governments increasingly incorporate gender into their climate commitments. In the Asia-Pacific region, 37 of the 49 countries with NDCs developed and updated by 2023 have gender references in one way or the other. The next round of NDCs is to be prepared and submitted by 2025, with a timeframe of implementation till 2035. As outlined in the Paris Agreement, countries would “ratchet up” their commitments in each subsequent NDC submission, reflecting their highest possible ambition and developing NDCs that are “implementation ready.” This presents an opportunity for governments to ensure that their NDCs are not only gender-responsive but also to ensure actions, implementation, and financing are gender responsive and leave no one behind.
In Asia and the Pacific, UN Women and UNEP have implemented the programme EmPower: Women for Climate-Resilient Societies, where over 2,000 governments and development practitioners so far have been trained on gender-responsive climate action through the Training Manual on Gender and Climate Change Resilience and an e-learning course developed under the programme.
To accelerate action and ambition, strengthening the capacities of critical stakeholders remains central to driving gender-responsive climate action. This training workshop aims to support governments in accelerating gender-responsive climate action and NDC implementation in the region. The training is organized by the UN Women, Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality (CoE) based in Seoul, the Republic of Korea, the UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (ROAP), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat with partners the Adaptation Fund (AF), the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network, and the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR).
The three-day training workshop aims to strengthen the understanding and technical knowledge of gender-responsive climate finance. The sessions will broadly explore integrating gender-based approaches and applying gender mainstreaming tools in climate change policies, programmes, and monitoring and budgeting. The sessions will also shed light on accessing climate finance and opportunities to ensure gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment in climate change and environmental programs and projects funded by the GCF, GEF, and AF. It is designed for key stakeholders, including the National Gender and Climate Change Focal Points (NGCCFPs) and representatives of different line ministries responsible for the climate change portfolio at the national level who are undertaking gender mainstreaming in climate change policy and programming as part of the NDCs.
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