Nepal: Needs of sexual violence survivors and children born out of rape

In Nepal, exclusion of large numbers of Nepalese from political, economic and social processes based on their ethnicity, caste, gender and religion became root causes for a decade-long armed conflict (1996-2006). Although the conflict officially concluded with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in November 2006, Nepalese women, men and children paid a heavy price. There have been over 17,000 deaths of women and men recorded by the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction, over 8,000 children orphaned, an estimated 9,000 women widowed, over 1,300 disappeared, and over 4,000 women and men disabled.
Various forms of gender-based violence encountered by women and girls, ranging from harassment and torture to conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), have been reported during this period. However, efforts by victims/survivors to access justice have remained ineffectual, deterring others from reporting cases; in a society where sexual victimisation is regarded as taboo. A decade since the CPA, victims/survivors and children born of rape remain excluded from any government support services accessed by other conflict victims, while perpetrators continue to enjoy impunity.