Media-friendly glossary on migration Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition

Media-friendly glossary on migration Women migrant workers and ending violence against women (EVAW) edition
ILO and UN Women

This glossary serves as a guide for journalists, researchers, trainers and other stakeholders who conduct trainings or write about women’s labour migration, and who write about violence against women in the context of migration. Language used in different communication materials and trainings puts forward specific positions and impressions, including at times perpetuating stereotypes. Thus, it is crucial to be clear about terms and definitions related to women migrant workers and violence against women, establishing a common ground from which to have conversations and work towards a world in which rights are respected for all and one in which women’s voice, choice and agency is recognised. This glossary presents rights-based terminology, which is based on international law and internationally agreed guidance wherever possible.

Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region is part of the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate violence against women and girls, a global, multi-year initiative between the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN). Safe and Fair is implemented through a partnership between the ILO and UN Women (in collaboration with UNODC) with the overriding objective of ensuring that labour migration is safe and fair for all women in the ASEAN region. More:

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Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Asia and the Pacific Indonesia
Resource type(s): Books Resource kits
Publication year
Number of pages