Women and Peace Facilitator’s Handbook

Women’s effective participation at every stage of the peace process is the only way for a sustainable peace to be achieved. To promote the role of women in peace, their needs and concerns must be identified at the community level.
This manual contains experiences and knowledge shared in consultation by numerous women leaders through their work in the field of women peace and security in Kayin, Kayah and Mon States, and is designed for women peace activists and women leaders with a purpose to empower them by giving them the necessary tools that will not only promote and increase their effective participation in the peace processes, but also equip them with the information and techniques to train other women peace activists.
This publication was originally conceived by UN Women under the UN Women Centering Women and their priorities in Myanmar’s Peace Process: Implementing the United Nations Security Council Resolution and Related Resolutions 1325, and has been made possible through funding from the Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.