UN Women's Internal Resource Guide on Strengthening Programming and Advocacy on the Rights and Empowerment of LGBTI People
This Internal Guidance Note is intended to support UN Women staff to integrate the rights of LGBTI people into programming and advocacy. It sets out the normative basis for UN Women’s engagement citing relevant international and regional human rights standards; provides guidance on basic terminology and definitions; highlights challenges faced by LGBTI individuals and groups; and proposes programming and advocacy direction.
It was developed through a thorough consultative process, including the development and review of drafts by UN Women Country Offices. An internal reference group, which includes regional and country offices, provided comments and inputs. An informal reference group of partners on LGBTI issues, convened by the Policy and Civil Society Divisions, also provided expert advice and support during the drafting. The Policy Division and Civil Society Division is grateful to all contributors to this work.