Standing Up: Stories of Courage and Resilience

Standing Up: Stories of courage and resilience
Organized by UN Women and The Moth. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 09 June 2023 | Start time: 11:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 09 June 2023 | End time: 15:00 UTC +00:00
Location: Bangkok Art and Cultural Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Event description

Date: 9 June 2023 at 18:00 onward (UTC+7:00 Bangkok time zone)

Our recent storytelling event brought together four feminist advocates from the Asia Pacific region, who shared personal stories of bravery, healing and hope. They spoke about breaking free, reinvention, finding your voice, and the courage it takes to speak out against injustice and gender-based violence, and inspire equality around the region.

Watch the stories:

Katherine Alano

Watcharapon Kukaewkasem (Sia)

Tricia Ho Sze Mei

Jiwon Park

“I will definitely participate if there are other events like this. I found the stories compelling and meaningful. They showed a reality not often portrayed. The storytellers allowed the audience to see them vulnerable but at the same time so powerful on that stage. As a woman, I could not only relate to their experience but also feel so powerful after hearing how they found the courage to act and do something to change their situation and the reality around them. I believe it's vital to continue sharing these stories, and I feel inspired to work even harder to overcome difficulties.”

“I really appreciated the strength and the courage of these women who, tonight, really exposed themselves and revealed their deepest stories; I know that wasn't easy. But I believe that showing vulnerability and being true to others is what could really make a change, even if a small one, a meaningful one.”

"As a man, I felt almost ashamed by the story of the first storyteller tonight. These things really shouldn't happen; it really hurts just to write about this. This was really great and moving. It was my first time at this kind of event, and I really appreciated it."

Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

UN Women advances the prevention of and response to violence against women and girls (VAWG) in collaboration with governments, civil society organisations, and many partners. We also partner with artists, creative communities and the media to center the voices of women and people too often at the margins on the journey towards lived gender equality.

Prevention initiatives address harmful gender norms and stereotypes and establish an understanding of healthy relationships - before the violence begins - through working with youth and families, education and learning involving men and boys, girls and women.

Response initiatives improve the quality and access to coordinated, essential services for survivors of VAWG, create and implement laws and policies with governments, advocates and civil society organisations, and create safe public and private spaces for all women and girls, including online.

Learn more about UN Women - Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Asia and the Pacific. Visit our website.

Women’s Access to Justice

Launched in 2018, the ‘Enhancing Access to Justice for Women in Asia and the Pacific’ is a Regional Programme, jointly implemented by UN Women, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), and OHCHR, with generous support from the Government of Sweden, with the goal to enhance access to justice for women in formal and community-based justice systems in Asia and the Pacific, with a focus on Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Timor-Leste and the Solomon Islands.

The programme promotes a coordinated response, by bringing together justice providers, women civil society organizations, human rights defenders and whole communities to collaborate towards gender-responsive justice. UN Women works towards a people-centered and gender-responsive justice approach to create an enabling environment where women can seek remedies without fear of negative consequences and realize their rights through meaningful access to justice.

Learn more about UN Women - Women’s Access to Justice in Asia and the Pacific. Visit our website.

About The Moth

The Moth is a nonprofit dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. For 25 years, The Moth has presented over 50,000 true personal stories, told live, without notes, to standing-room-only audiences and virtually around the globe. Renowned for showcasing a broad range of human experiences, The Moth produces approximately 600 live and virtual shows each year and has an ongoing presence in 28 cities worldwide.

Learn more at

Our Host

Cindy Sirinya Bishop is an actress, host and gender equality advocate based in Bangkok. In 2018, Cindy founded #DontTellMeHowToDress, a social movement against gender-based violence and sexual assault. A mother of two, Cindy has also penned a children’s book called “My Body My Rules'' on the topics of body autonomy, consent and respect. In 2020, she was appointed UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador to Asia Pacific and was named one of BBC’s 100 Most Influential Women 2020. Cindy uses creative and innovative ways to educate, empower and inspire including recently launching a workshop for girls on menstrual health and body confidence.

Our Storytellers

Katherine Alano is a multifaceted artist and advocate against rape in the Philippines. A survivor fighting a very public battle with rape in the local media, Kat is a founder of Empower, a non- profit organisation that focuses on the compassionate education of the Filipino people and aims to end the stigma around rape and sexual abuse. Kat has been very active in school seminars, speaking at many of the biggest universities and schools in the Philippines and was invited to do a Tedx talk which she entitled “Is rape culture the new social cancer?” She has also worked on campaigns with organisations such as the Office of the Vice President, the Swedish and UK embassies to further improve the understanding and handling of rape and rape victims across the country.

Watcharapon Kukaewkasem (Sia) is an advocate, social worker and a survivor of domestic violence, but most people see her as the “big sister and a friend” who really listens and really cares. Sia’s heart has always been for people to experience healing and to know the power of their story and their voice. Sia currently works alongside a mostly migrant population of women and children who live in high-risk situations along the Thai- Myanmar border. In Sia’s free time, you can find her playing football, jogging the hills of Maesot, practicing her mean Muay Thai kicks, and maybe even cooking up an extravagant meal.

Tricia Ho Sze Mei is a queer advocate and feminist that works closely with organisational system design, project management, and community building. They are currently working with Engage Media on digital rights and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

Jiwon Park is the CEO and founder of the femtech company SAIB & Co., based in Korea. SAIB is a sexual wellness brand that helps women maintain their sexual and reproductive health. The brand name SAIB flips the word BIAS, signaling the company's mission to overturn negative biases toward women exercising sexual agency. Jiwon is an award-winning designer, serial entrepreneur, and educator. She graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design(RISD), was a Fulbright Scholar, and has over 14 years of experience in design. Before embarking on her entrepreneurial journey, she served as an Assistant Professor at UT Austin in Texas.

Our Musician

Dr. Mahakit Lerdcheewanan is a violin faculty member at the College of Music, Mahidol University in Thailand. He also holds the position of Assistant Concertmaster in the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra. With experience performing in orchestras in the United States and Thailand, such as the Baton Rouge Symphony Orchestra and the Siam Sinfonietta, Dr. Lerdcheewanan has gained recognition for his talent. He served as a concertmaster during the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra's 2022 European tour. Additionally, he is a founding member of the Libere String Quartet, which aims to engage students across Thailand through performances and educational programs.


This event was possible thanks to the generous financial support from the Government of the Republic of Korea, the Government of Sweden, and Charles and Keith. UN Women expresses its sincere gratitude to these partners for their support.