Empowerment of Women Migrant Workers in South Asia
On 17th Sept 2015, UN Women launched the rollout of its project on ‘Empowerment of Women Migrant Workers in South Asia through implementation of Standard Terms of Employment’.

The 3.5 years project is supported by the Swiss Development Corporation and is managed by the UN Women Regional Office and shall be operating in four South Asian countries of India, Bangladesh, Srilanka and Nepal.UN Women is committed to creating improved conditions of work for marginalized groups of women migrant workers, workers in the informal sector, and home-based workers. By designing and planning interventions that create fair and decent employment for women migrant workers across Asia through the provision of safe migration and by strengthening and safeguarding the processes and protocols which would better the working conditions and provisions offered, it is aiming to achieve the following outcomes of the project.
The key outcome areas are:
- Engaging National governments on discussions around Standard Terms of Employment for women domestic workers.
- Increasing awareness on policy frameworks on the role of recruitment/ employment agencies to facilitate the implementation of standard terms of employment for women domestic workers
- Ensuring that outcomes at the Global and Regional processes align at the National level.
The consultation of experts convened comprised of seniors representatives from ILO, IOM, Migrant worker networks and alliances who agreed to work together on taking forward the role of ethical recruitment and standard terms of employment for protecting the migrant women workers. Interactions were also held with the association of recruitment agencies to understand the practices and codes of conduct of RA and sub agents better.