Shiseido becomes the first Japanese company to partner with UN Women to promote gender quality in Japan
[Press Release]
Tokyo, Japan — Shiseido and UN Women have announced a partnership to promote gender quality in Japan. Grounded in UN Women’s universal mandate to advance gender equality and Shiseido's commitment towards women’s advancement, the partnership aims to raise awareness of gender equality and develop capacities of young women and men to act as agents of change.
Shiseido, one of the oldest Japanese multinational personal care companies, commits to strengthen its management focus on diversity, and in particular, on women’s advancement, as a critical area of action. In 2010, Shiseido was among the first Japanese companies to sign the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), a set of practical guidelines for companies on how to empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community developed by UN Women and the UN Global Compact. Shiseido has been internationally acclaimed for its efforts receiving the “1st WEPs Leadership Award” in 2013.
Under the framework of the new partnership, Shiseido will be developing and implementing the following programmes this year:
Develop and launch an educational programme on gender equality for the younger generation
UN Women and Shiseido recognize the crucial role that men and boys play as partners for women’s rights and gender equality, and intend to develop an educational programme for the younger generation who will be shaping the future of Japanese society and the transforming gender relations. The programme will be launched in partner universities and high schools to encourage students to self-identify with issues of gender equality and its benefits.
As a “HeForShe Advocate”, promote #HeForShe initiative inside and outside the company
Shiseido will assist in promoting the HeForShe initiative through joint organization of events with UN Women, specifically targeting youth. It will also launch a HeForShe advocate page on its website, to engage employees, create new opportunities within the company worldwide to change negative attitudes that hinder women’s advancement, and to promote respect of diversity towards a corporate environment that fosters innovation.
About Shiseido Company Limited
Shiseido was founded in 1872 as the first Western-style pharmacy in Japan. The business gradually evolved into a cosmetics company, offering people the most advanced technology and the finest aesthetics available in the East or the West. Now known globally as the premier cosmetics company with roots in Japan, the name Shiseido has come to represent the world’s highest standards of quality. Shiseido’s global selection of skincare, makeup and fragrance includes a high-performance category for special skincare, and a brightening line. Shiseido also offers body care, suncare and a skincare line for men. Fiercely contemporary and innovative after over 140 years in business, Shiseido group brands are now sold in over 120 countries and regions. For more information, please visit
For more information
Please contact: Naoko Yuki
Partnerships Consultant
UN Women Japan Liaison Office
Tel: +81 3 6801 8511
Email: naoko.yuki[at]unwomen
[Press Release]
UN Womenが株式会社 資生堂と契約締結
東京、日本 — UN Women (ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントのための国連機関)(本部:ニューヨーク、プムズィレ・ムランボ=ヌクカ国連事務次長およびUN Women事務局長)は、株式会社資生堂(本社:東京、代表取締役 執行役員社長兼 CEO 魚谷 雅彦)と、国内におけるジェンダー平等を推進するプロジェクトに関する契約を締結しました。本連携は、ジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントにグローバルに取り組む UN Women と、女性の活躍を積極的に推進している資生堂との目標が一致したことから実現しました。
資生堂は、ダイバーシティ(多様性)を重視した経営に注力し、中でも女性活躍を積極的に推進しています。2010年にはUN Women と国連グローバルコンパクトが作成した「女性のエンパワーメント原則WEPsにいち早く署名し、2013年には「第1回WEPsリーダーシップ大賞」にて優秀賞を受賞するなど、国際的にも高い評価を得ています。
社内外での HeForShe の推進
若年層向けのイベント共催などを通じHeForSheイニシアチブの浸透を促進。併せて資生堂専用の HeForShe Advocate サイトの立ち上げなど、社内での普及を通じて、女性活躍推進を実現する上で大きな壁となっているジェンダー平等に関する意識について真剣に向き合う機会を創出。
For more information
Please contact: Naoko Yuki
Partnerships Consultant
UN Women Japan Liaison Office
Tel: +81 3 6801 8511
Email: naoko.yuki[at]unwomen