ASEAN Gender Outlook – Highlights

Through regional coordinated efforts and national policies, ASEAN Member States have made remarkable progress towards sustainable development in the past two decades. Nevertheless, addressing inequality remains a key challenge across the region, and quality gender data are critical to inform decision-making in this regard. The ASEAN Gender Outlook provides a snapshot of progress and challenges in the ASEAN region regarding each of the SDGs, and highlights priority areas for gender action.…

474 results found

[Jiwon] Standing Up: Stories of Courage and Resilience | Bangkok, Thailand

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

[English] UN Women, in collaboration with global storytelling phenomenon The Moth, hosted a live storytelling event called “Standing Up: Stories of Courage and Resilience” in Bangkok, Thailand, in June 2023. This event featured four storytellers who shared deeply moving personal stories. Following the event, audience members said that they left the event feeling inspired and motivated to promote equality and justice.

Join Jiwon Park (Jiwon) as she shares her story of starting her own…

Leadership Commitment, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged and…

Gender-inclusive Workplace, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged and…

Gender-responsive Marketplace, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), the Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged and…

Community Engagement and Partnerships, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged and…

Youth Leadership, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement…

SME Champion, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Friday, 30 June 2023

Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged and…

Transparency and reporting, Regional Winner, Asia Pacific WEPs Awards 2022

Date: Thursday, 29 June 2023

[English] Meet the regional winners of the UN Women 2022 Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards! Hosted by the EU-funded WeEmpowerAsia programme and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Government of Australia funded through the Mekong-Australia Partnership. respective gender champions in Leadership Commitment, Gender-Inclusive Workplace, Gender-Responsive Marketplace, Community Engagement & Partnerships, Transparency & Reporting, Youth Leadership and SME Champion were acknowledged…

Take Five with the EU Ambassador in Bangladesh

Date: Thursday, 15 June 2023

[English with subtitle] H.E. Charles Whiteley, Ambassador & Head of Delegation, European Union in Bangladesh was interviewed by Shararat Islam, Communications Analyst, Bangladesh Country Office on the EU's commitment to advance gender equality.

How did Gender Equality make Better Business? | UN’s Guideline for Business

Date: Friday, 9 June 2023

[Women’s Empowerment Principles Workshop for Korea]
00:25 | GSMA
19:23 | Mastercard
36:05 | Nestlé
48:30 | RSM International

Tamara Dancheva

  • Senior Manager, International Relations, GSMA
  • Co-Chair of the EQUALS Skills Coalition
  • Co-Chair of the Taskforce on Bridging the Digital Gender Divide under the W20 India Presidency
  • Member of…

Speak up to end Gender-Based Violence | Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh

Date: Monday, 28 November 2022

[Bangla with subtitle] In this 16 Days of Activism Campaign, UN Women Volunteers in the Rohingya Refugee Camp at Cox’s Bazar speak up to end violence against women and girls. In line with this year’s theme, UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls! UN Women observed 16 Days of Activism with other humanitarian actors working in Cox's Bazar. 

Stories of Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh's Cox's Bazar

Date: Thursday, 24 November 2022

[Bangla and English with subtitle] In Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, 550 of the most vulnerable women from the Rohingya refugee and host communities have received support to sustainably improve their living standards and income generation with the support of UN Women’s partner, the Women Entrepreneur Association of Bangladesh (WEAB). WEAB worked together with women to design a local business model for block-batik printing to help women earn an income. WEAB is promoting and sells products produced…

Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities

Date: Friday, 18 November 2022

[English with caption] UN Women’s project on ‘Women, Peace and Security" funded by the Government of Japan has laid the foundation to strengthen governance frameworks and promote cooperation among different groups towards realizing the women, peace and security agenda in Sri Lanka.

Change is possible: A Pacific free of violence against women and girls

Date: Friday, 18 November 2022

[English with caption and sign language] Violence against women and girls in Pacific Island countries is among the highest in the world - about twice the global average. Up to 68 per cent of Pacific women have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence by a partner in their lifetime, in countries where prevalence studies have been undertaken.

The Ending Violence Against Women and Girls programme within the Fiji Multi-Country Office (MCO), serving 14 Pacific Island countries…

Strong Woman Speaking Out for Gender Equality

Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022

[Bangla with English subtitle] Monorwara is a community outreach volunteer and Rohingya refugee and survivor who fled from Myanmar in 2017. The community outreach volunteers provide critical information to refugees about the prevention of gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse, where to seek help when women and girls experience violence, as well as disaster preparedness since Bangladesh is at heightened risk of climate disasters such as floods and cyclones.


Women, Peace and Security in Sri Lanka

Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022

[English with caption] Sri Lanka is grappling with multiple crises, and women continue to bear heavier burdens with little support to address their needs. The Women, Peace and Security Agenda is a call to ensure equitable support and empowerment.

UN Women’s project on ‘Women, Peace and Security" funded by the Government of Japan has laid the foundation to strengthen governance frameworks and promote cooperation among different groups towards realizing the women, peace and security…

Gender Responsive Procurement (GRP) Workshop in Bangladesh

Date: Thursday, 17 November 2022

[English with subtitle] The UN in Bangladesh organized a half-day long Gender-Responsive Procurement Workshop on 18th August 2022 to increase the participation of women-owned and led businesses and entrepreneurs in the UN supply chain.

The workshop held at the Six Seasons Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka -is the first step towards reducing the gender gap in UN supply chains. Around one-hundred-fifty representatives from various women-owned organizations and businesses across the country…

BRIDGE Explainer

Date: Wednesday, 16 November 2022

[Tagalog with English subtitle] Maginhawang Buhay--a comfortable life-- is one of the aspirations contained in the Philippines' national long-term vision. This longing for Ginhawa for themselves and their families is one of the reasons overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) seek opportunities on foreign shores. But in the process, they often find themselves in situations where Ginhawa is even further out of reach.

For the past two years, UN Women, IOM and ILO, with our partners in the #…

Unlocking the full potential of women in the economy

Date: Monday, 14 November 2022

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Anne Hathaway called on leaders of the business community worldwide to put women at the heart of economic growth at the Business 20 (B20), the official G20 dialogue forum with the global business community tasked with formulating policy recommendations to the G20 Presidency, organized in Bali, Indonesia from 13 to 14 November 2022. The 2022 B20 is organized by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce at the behest of the Government of Indonesia, which holds the current…

How to refer women survivors of violence to services

Date: Tuesday, 1 November 2022

This video provides practical tips for essential service providers on how to refer survivors of violence to services including women migrant workers. This video was developed as part of the programme "Safe and Fair : Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the ASEAN region (2018–2023)". Safe and Fair is part of the multi-year EU-UN Spotlight Initiative to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls, funded by the European Union and implemented by ILO and UN Women in…