Resources and Publications


Assessment of NGO Monitoring on CEDAW Implementation in South East Asia (2012)

UN Women

At the global level, the past decade has witnessed important progress on strengthening the normative and policy environment for gender equality and women’s human rights. International agreements, such as the Millennium Development Goals, refer to gender equality as a key goal for development... More

CEDAW Made Easy: Question & Answer Booklet (for Caribbean)

UNIFEM Caribbean Office, Barbados/Tina Johnson, Lynette Ametewee, Dawn Minott, and University of the West Indies, Faculty of Law lecturer Tracy Robinson

This Booklet is designed to provide you with a snapshot view of CEDAW and to raise awareness of the rights to which women are entitled under the Convention so that you can use it to bring about concrete improvements in the lives of Caribbean women... More

CEDAW: Restoring Rights to Women (2004)

Partner for Law in Development (PLD) and UNIFEM

This resource book on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) developed by ‘Partners for Law in Development’ (PLD) examines the significance of CEDAW with respect to human rights laws... More

CEDAW Training of Trainers Manual (2008)

UNIFEM Lao Office

Available in Lao language... More

Basic CEDAW Training Manual in Lao Language (2008)

Lao National Commission for the Advancement of Women

Available in Lao language... More

Philippines - Training Manual on Gender Sensitivity and CEDAW (for the Judiciary)

Amparita S. Sta. Maria, Sedfrey M. Candelaria and Seth Earn from Ateneo Human Rights Center

This training manual is a support component of this capacity development program. This serves as reference for judges, lawyers and court attorneys as well as for other members of the legal profession and law schools. We hope that this will make the CEDAW training module and materials integral to the curriculum of the Philippine Judicial Academy... More

Passport to Equality (2006)

UNESCO – Section for Women and Gender Equality in collaboration with UNIFEM and UNAIDS

This Passport to Equality contains the most important international normative instrument concerning women, one that aims at achieving equal rights for women elsewhere... More

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