
“Comedy for Equality”, Stand-Up Comedy Workshopand Showcase
The UN In Indonesia has partnered with Indonesian stand-up comedian SakdiyahMa’ruf to mentor 20 aspiring Indonesian comedians on comedy for activism. The workshop willculminate in a comedy showcase on 10 December, the Human Rights Day.
Workshop: 5 November – 3 December 2021.
Showcase: 10 December 2021.
The UN in Indonesia and the National Commission on Violence Against Women(Komnas Perempuan) call on all creatives, activists, and anyone in Indonesia who supports the effort toend violence against women and girls to take part in the #orangechallenge. We ask social media users toshare their perspectives on GBV in Indonesia and the social changes they want to see in society.
Competition period: 11th - 25th November 2021
Voting period: 2nd December 2021
Winner announcement: 10th December 2021
Talkshow “Addressing Violence in the Universities”
In collaboration with Institut Français d'Indonésie and the Embassy of France, UN Women will hold a talk show on ending campus violence. The discussion aims to spark a conversation on safer campuses. It will feature a speaker from the representative of a university in Indonesia, and university students support group. There will be sharing best practices from university in France.
Date: 26th November 2021
Webinar “Not in My Company: Businesses Role in Preventing Sexual Harassment and Violence in the Workplace”
The event aims to raise awareness of sexual violence in the workplace, highlight the best policies practice in preventing sexual violence, and promote the ILO 190 Convention on preventing violence and harassment against women in the world of work.
Date: 30th November 2021