
The UN in Indonesia and the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan) are calling on all creatives, activists, and anyone who supports the effort to end violence against women and girls, to take part in the #orangechallenge. Full details ▼
Event type:
Start date: 10 November 2021 | Start time: 17:00 UTC +00:00
End date: 25 November 2021 | End time: 16:59 UTC +00:00
Location: Online, Indonesia

Event description


We invite you to share your perspective on gender-based violence (GBV) in Indonesia and the social changes you want to see in our society. You can convey your ideas creatively in a form that best suits your spirit and talent. That could be a short video (maximum 1-minute-long), an artwork (comic, painting, illustration), a meme (don’t forget to add a pinch of humor to your message), or a song (yes, a song of your own that calls for change!).

Your creative content should highlight one or more of the following themes:

  1. Changing the social norms that perpetuate and normalize violence against women and girls.
  2. Stopping catcalling directed at women and girls on the streets.
  3. Creating a safe workplace or safe campus with strict rules and policies for addressing sexual harassment and abuse.
  4. Respecting women’s personal life choices and bodily autonomy.
  5. Stopping online gender-based violence.
  6. Speaking out to end child marriage.
  7. Enacting and enforcing anti-sexual harassment laws.
  8. Showing what consent looks like.
  9. Encouraging people to be active bystanders.

Share your art on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter using the hashtags #orangechallenge #16days #orangetheworld for an opportunity to win a laptop or a mobile phone, plus limited edition UN merchandise for 10 selected creators!

It is time to act decisively on gender-based violence. Speak your truth. Use your power and resources to #EndGBV now!

What to Know Before Joining the #orangechallenge

  • You should be an Indonesian citizen who resides in Indonesia aged 15 or above.
  • Your creative content should capture one or more of the themes outlined above.
  • Speak your truth your way; you are free to be creative but your content should be positive, inspirational, empowering, and activism-oriented.
  • Your content must respect the Terms and Conditions of the competition. (see link below)
  • All of the materials included in your content should be original. Make sure your content does not violate any copyright laws.
  • We are trying to #orangetheworld with this #orangechallenge. So, be sure to include any “orange element” in your content.
  • You can submit your entry(s) by posting them on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Send the link to your post via DM @unwomenid.
  • You can still participate without disclosing your identity. If you do not feel comfortable sharing your content via social media, email your entry along with your name and contact information to [ Click to reveal ] by 25 November 2021, 23.59 WIB. Be advised that UN agencies will be allowed to share your content online via UN channels while maintaining your anonymity.

Deadline for submission: 25 November 2021 at 23.59 WIB. No late submissions will be accepted.


1st, 2nd, 3rd winners: Laptop.

Two favorite winners: Mobile phone.

Useful Resources

Terms and conditions: English | Bahasa Indonesia

Participant Guide: English | Bahasa Indonesia

FAQ: English | Bahasa Indonesia

Event poster: Bahasa Indonesia

For more information: Bintang Aulia (bintang.aulia@unwomen.org)