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Women for Peace: On 17 February 2011, Nepal became the first country in South Asia and the second in Asia to adopt a National Action Plan on the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820. The creation of the Plan ensures greater participation for women in peace building. The Plan was a result of nationwide consultations between the Government of Nepal, women survivors, security sector personnel and civil society, and was backed by strong political will.

Leading from the Front: Over the years, UN Women has strengthened the participation of women in politics. In partnership with the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, National Commission for Women and local NGOs, we encouraged efforts that contributed to a historic 33-percent representation of women in the Constituent Assembly in 2008. With support from the German government, the programme, Making Politics Work with Women, has led to stronger leadership skills of women leaders and increased exposure of Constituent Assembly members to gender equality and women’s human rights issues in the context of constitution making process.

Legal Action to the Fore: UN Women provided legal expertise to the government to amend laws that discriminated against women’s right to migrate and to pass on their nationality to their children. Major positive legislations for women have also been ushered in through the enactment of other positive legislation: Gender Equality Act, 2006; the Human Trafficking and Transportation (Control) Act, 2007 and Regulation, 2008; and Domestic Violence (Crime and Punishment) Act, 2009 and Regulation 2010.

G for gender budgeting: Making gender concerns a part of budgets and plans has been an integral part of UN Women’s work since 2007. Budgeting for women has improved by helping the government revise essential financial software such as Budget Management Information Systems (BMIS) recently Government Financial Statistics (GFS) and financial systems such as budget forms and manuals.

Stronger National Plans for Women: Advocacy by UN Women has ensured that the 8th, 9th and 10th Five Year Development Plans, Interim Plan and the current Three Year Plan reflect gender concerns. Supported in the development of Strategy and National Plan of Action on Safe Migration. The National Population and Housing Census for 2001 and 2011 now reflect gender disaggregated data, which have been used for evidence based advocacy for visibility of women’s economic activities, extended economic activities and care work.

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