All events in Asia-Pacific

[All events in Asia-Pacific]
Men's Forum

Partnership for Equality

Launch of song that celebrates women's solidarity and calls for continued efforts to advance gender-equality.

Date: 24th November 2022


INGAD Meeting on Flood Response, RoL and 16 Days of Activism

Under the Inter-Agency Gender and Development Group (INGAD), a two-day gathering was organized, on the theme of governance, emphasizing access to justice and the rule of law. As part of this event, there were field visits to flood-affected areas and meetings with government stakeholders, civil society, and other key stakeholders to inform about progress and challenges in the Government of Baluchistan’s Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Policy 2020-2024. The INGAD two-day gathering concluded by endorsing pledges with the office of the Chief Minister of Balochistan. The agreed priorities ensure women’s health, hygiene, and safety needs as a priority in the flood-affected areas; an increase of women-only “Safe Police Stations”; increase the representation of women in key service provider roles in the RoL sector (police officers, levies forces, judges and judicial staff, lawyers, and prosecutors); and develop gender accelerators for the Planning and Development Department of Balochistan.

Date: 23rd November-24th November 2022


EVAW Day - 20 Days of Human Rights Activism Campaign

Papua New Guinea launched the 20 Days of Human Rights Activism Campaign #16DaysOfActivism in Wabag, Enga Province, with a call to end all forms of violence against women and girls in PNG. The event was organized by the Department for Community Development and Religion, and CIMC with support from UN Women, Australian Government, and the EU Spotlight Initiative. Ms. Caroline Nyamayemombe, UN Women Deputy Country Representative, said that the UN is committed to supporting the government and partners in the fight to protect those vulnerable to Sorcery Accusation Related Violence and Gender-Based Violence. She said, "We want to celebrate human rights defenders out there who save and repatriate the survivors of Sorcery Accusation Related Violence, and Gender-Based Violence." Minister for Community Development and Religion Jason Peter apologized to survivors of violence, especially women and children. He said the theme for this year, Safe Homes to Safe PNG, indicates that it's everyone's responsibility to ensure that families are safe and protected from all forms of violence. He added, "It all starts in our respective homes and goes out to the communities."

Date: 25th December 2022

Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop

UN Women Safe and Fair Programme invited 16 survivors and advocates of violence against women to attend two-day workshops and training sessions to improve their storytelling and public speaking skills. They also received training in public and media engagement. During the event, psychological support was available to the women to support them in processing triggers and traumas. The workshop also helped them familiarize themselves with the migrant-focused and VAW-supportive policies at a national and local level--specifically covering the Gender Responsive and Inclusive Pandemic Management Act or “Senate Bill No. 375” (SBN 375) and the mandates of the DMW.

Date: Date: 25th November 2022

Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities

Empowered Women, Peaceful Communities

"This event marked UN Women’s continued investment in supporting and amplifying space for intersectional feminist activism and gender-responsive policy and institutional frameworks through the lens of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda. The event brought together officials from the Sri Lankan government, members of the diplomatic and development communities, and civil society to highlight the WPS landscape in Sri Lanka, its continued relevance in today’s crisis, and the way forward.

Date: 16th November 2022

Push Forward: Act to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Push Forward: Act to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Marking 16 Days of activism, the EU Delegation in Sri Lanka, in collaboration with UN Women & UNFPA Sri Lanka, organized this multi-channeled communication campaign to initiate a conversation on how to support survivors of domestic violence – as collectives and organizations, but also as individuals – to address it, end it, and reform cultures that enable it. The panel discussion brought together various stakeholders, including activists, civil society representatives, and the development community, to initiate a conversation on supporting survivors of domestic violence –particularly as first responders (family, friends, coworkers, etc.).

Date 5th December 2022

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