Over 100 diplomats and international development experts gather to celebrate International Women’s Day in the Republic of Korea


[Press release]

Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon

English | 한국어

Seoul, Republic of Korea — The newly established UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality in the Republic of Korea (the Centre) hosted its first International Women’s Day celebration at Hotel President in Seoul today. Over 100 diplomats and international development experts from almost 60 countries, including some 30 ambassadors and heads of international organizations based in Korea, gathered to reflect on the importance of gender equality and to reaffirm their support to UN Women’s mission.

The theme of this year's International Women's Day is "DigitALL: Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality," which aligns with the theme of the 67th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls”. The CSW is being held from 6-17 March in New York and attended by tens of thousands of people from around the world.

Opening the event, Jeongshim Lee, the Director of the Centre, stated, “International Women's Day is an important occasion that recognizes the critical contributions of women to our societies and celebrates the progress we have made in realizing gender equality.” “I sincerely want to thank all of you gathered in this room for taking up the cause to create a world that is just and equitable for all,” she added.

In her congratulatory remarks, Ki Soon Lee, Vice Minister for Gender Equality and Family in the Republic of Korea, observed, “Global solidarity for achieving genuine gender equality is on the rise.” She noted, “[Korea] will join the efforts of the international community for making one step forward towards a world, where all members of the society, regardless of their gender or generation, can understand each other and feel positive changes.”

In the group photo, all the participants held up the message, "Together for Gender Equality," symbolizing their commitment to promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls.

The event was divided into two sessions. In the first session, under the theme of "Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women," three distinguished speakers shared inspirational speeches based on their experiences.

First, Oh Joon, Chair of Save the Children Korea (former Chair of UN ECOSOC and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations), delivered a powerful message on the historical background and rationale behind the global celebration of International Women's Day. He noted how even in advanced economies, women still have a great deal of difficulties in maintaining their work-life balance, in terms of taking care of their personal and family lives along with their careers. “When it comes to achieving gender equality, it is not just for women but for men as well, because, after all, it takes two to tango,” he concluded.

Next, Yuh Soon Yun, former CEO of the LG Art Center offered practical advice for working women on leadership, emphasizing that there is no ‘female leadership’ as such, but only ‘good and bad leadership.’

Jie-ae Sohn, Ambassador for Cultural Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea, recounted her challenging experience as a working mother of three daughters throughout her career as a journalist and inspired all the participants to create a better society where young women do not have to choose between career and family.

After a moving musical performance by the Beautiful Mind Cello Quartet led by Il-hwan Bae, the event held a special session with women leaders in the field of innovation, technology and digital education. 

First, Sue Moon, a Professor at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) recounted days as one of the very few female students of engineering at Seoul National University back in the 1980s. While significant progress has been made since then in terms of women’s representation in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) field, she noted, much still needs to be done to break the glass ceiling and to increase women’s representation in the field.

Next, Soonmin Bae, Director of KT AI2XL (AI to Everything Lab) showed how AI technology with gender-biased data can actually reproduce gender discrimination in society (such as the gender pay gap) and emphasized the need to multiply efforts to develop technological solutions for promoting gender equality. Last but not least, Erum Burki, Education Officer of the UNICEF Pakistan Country Office, presented UNICEF’s digital education programme for girls in the COVID-19 situation. “The best technology is the one you already have, know how to use, and can afford,” she emphasized, stressing the critical importance of the local context.

The audience also watched a UN Women video, which affirmed the message that against the pushback, we can only go forward in terms of achieving gender equality and empowerment of women and girls.


Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
[More photos on Flickr]
More photos are available on Flickr. Photos: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon

In video

2023 International Women’s Day Commemoration

Media inquiries:

A.J. Lee
External Relations Specialist, UN Women.
E: [ Click to reveal ]

About UN Women

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.

About the UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality

UN Women Center of Excellence for Gender Equality in Korea was established in 2022 with the support of the Government of Korea. The Centre aspires to become a ‘knowledge hub’ to facilitate research, education & training, sharing of innovations and lessons learned, networking, and development of multi-stakeholder partnerships.


유엔여성기구(UN Women) 성평등센터, 세계 여성의 날 맞아 주한 외교관 및 국제 개발 전문가 대상 기념행사 개최

날짜: 2023.03.08

[보도자료, 국문]

Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon

English | 한국어

서울 — 유엔여성기구 성평등센터(UN Women Centre of Excellence for Gender Equality)는 8일 세계 여성의 날을 맞아 서울 중구 프레지던트 호텔에서 주한 외교공관 대사와 관계자, 유엔기구 및 국제개발단체 전문가를 초청해 기념 행사를 개최했다.

세계 여성의 날은 성평등 의제에 관한 의식을 제고하고 전 지구적 문제 해결을 도모하는 국제 기념일이다. 1977년 유엔이 3월 8일을 국제 기념일로 공식 선언한 이후 2018년 국내에서도 이날이 양성평등기본법에 따라 여성의 날로 지정됐다.

올해 세계 여성의 날의 주제는 ‘모두를 위한 디지털(DigitALL): 성평등을 위한 기술과 혁신’으로, 미국 뉴욕에서 3월 6일부터 17일까지 전 세계 수만 명이 참가하고 있는 국제연합(UN) 여성지위위원회(CSW)의 67회 컨퍼런스 주제 ‘성평등 달성을 위한 혁신과 과학기술, 그리고 디지털교육’과 일맥상통한다.

이날 행사에는 이기순 여성가족부 차관과 주한 대사 30여명, 국제기구 대표 10여명, 한국국제협력단(KOICA) 및 한국개발원조협의회(KCOC) 실무자를 포함하여 외교-국제개발 분야 전문가 100여명이 참석했다. 그간 국내에선 여성단체 등에서 세계 여성의 날을 매년 기념해왔는데, 이번처럼 외교-국제기구-국제개발 분야 전문가들이 모인 자리는 올해가 처음이다.

이정심 유엔여성기구 성평등센터 소장은 환영사에서 “이번 행사는 성평등센터가 개소하고 열리는 첫 기념행사”라면서 “60여개의 주한 대사관 관계자와 국제개발분야 리더들과 함께 여성 리더십과 성평등에 대한 이야기를 나누고, 변혁적 기술과 디지털 교육 발전에 이바지하는 여성들을 기념하고 축하하고자 한다”고 말했다.

이날 행사에 참여한 이기순 여성가족부 차관은 축사를 통해 “급변하는 사회 속에서 실질적 양성평등을 획득하기 위한 국제적 연대의 중요성은 나날이 높아지고 있다“고 강조하며, “성별‧세대를 넘어 사회 구성원 모두가 공감하고 변화를 체감하는 사회로 한걸음 더 나아갈 수 있도록 국제 사회의 노력에 동참하겠다“고 말했다.

30 여명의 주한 대사들을 비롯한 참가자들도 강단에 올라 “성평등을 위해 함께 하자(Together for Gender Equality)”고 외치면서 성평등 실현에 대한 결의를 다졌다.

행사 1부에선 ‘여성 리더십과 성평등’을 주제로 오준 세이브더칠드런코리아 이사장 (전 유엔 대사)이 세계적으로 여성의 날을 기념하는 이유에 대한 강연을 진행했다. 윤여순 전 LG아트센터 대표 (그룹 최초 여성 임원)는 일하는 여성들에게 희망과 도전의 메시지를 던졌고, 이어서 손지애 외교부 문화협력대사 (전 아리랑 국제방송 사장, 전 CNN 서울지국장)는 “젊은 여성들이 커리어와 가정이라는 두 가지 소중한 선택지 가운데 하나만을 선택하는 상황에 놓이지 않도록 우리가 다 함께 노력해야 한다”고 당부했다.

2부에선 올해 세계 여성의 날 주제에 발 맞춰 ‘포용적이고 변혁적인 기술과 디지털 교육’에 대해 기술·교육 분야 전문가가 현장 지식을 나눴다. 한국과학기술원 문수복 교수와 KT AI2XL 연구소장 배순민 박사는 그간 이공계에서 여성의 대표성이 증가하긴 하였지만, 여전히 유리천장을 깨기 위해서는 과학기술 분야에서 여성인력을 양성하고 리더십을 배양하는 노력이 더 확대되고 이어져야 한다고 강조했다.

마지막으로 유니세프 파키스탄 국가사무소 교육 담당관인 이룸 버르키 담당관은 영상 메시지를 통해 현지 상황에 맞는 디지털 교육의 중요성과 젠더 디지털 격차를 좁히기 위한 교육 프로그램의 필요성을 강조했다.


Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
Photo: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon
[More photos on Flickr]
More photos are available on Flickr. Photos: UN Women/Jeong Jae Yeon


2023 International Women’s Day Commemoration

Media inquiries:

A.J. Lee
External Relations Specialist, UN Women.
E: [ Click to reveal ]

유엔여성기구(UN Women)는 성평등과 여성의 역량강화 및 권익 증진에 집중하는 유엔 기구이다. 2022년 한국 정부의 지원 하에 설립된 유엔여성기구 성평등센터는 ‘지식 및 파트너쉽 허브’로서 아시아 태평양 지역 내 성평등과 여성의 역량강화를 증진하는데 기여하기 위해 △연구개발 △교육훈련 △협력 및 교류관계 구축에 집중하고 있다.

About UN Women

UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. UN Women is delivering programmes, policies and standards that uphold women’s human rights and ensure that every woman and girl lives up to her full potential.