Summary of Achievements in 2007
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- CEDAW UNIT AT THE MINISTRY OF WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTIONALIZED - With UN Women’s support the Ministry of Women Development has institutionalized within its core structure the CEDAW unit with an appropriate mandate and resources. Prior to this it was a separate and temporary project unit. This shows increased awareness and ownership of CEDAW as a joint responsibility with shared vision and commitment for advancement of gender equality at the federal and provincial levels.
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- NATIONAL HOME-BASED WORKERS POLICY DRAFT INITIATED - UN Women supported the drafting of a National Policy for Home Based Workers (HBWs) at the provincial and national levels and for submitting to the Government in 2008
- ENGENDERING OF THE CENSUS 2008 IN PAKISTAN INITIATED - UN Women provided technical inputs to the Population Census Organization in preparation for the upcoming Census 2008, to ensure specific engendering. This entailed a review of capacity and roles of the gender cells at the federal and provincial levels and the development of a specific support programme to increase their capacity to support the process
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- EVAWG ALLIANCE ESTABLISHED - The Ending Violence Against Women and Girls (EVAWG) Alliance was established by UN Women as a national group comprising of over 70 entities including government and non-governmental organizations. The Alliance is acknowledged as the key coordination platform for elimination of VAWG in Pakistan. UN Women supports the secretariat function of the Alliance
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