Summary of Achievements in 2011
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- A NEW NATIONAL POLICY ON GENDER EQUALITY POST-DEVOLUTION INITIATED - A 2-day National Consultation on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women, spearheaded by the National Commission on Status of Women took a very visible step towards drafting of a new National Policy on Gender Equality post-devolution. Ms. Pramila Patten (International CEDAW Expert and CEDAW Committee Member) presented a session on ‘Opportunities in post devolution scenario for CEDAW implementation and monitoring’
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- FORMATION OF PROVINCIAL HOME-BASED WORKERS WORKING GROUPS - Formed at the provincial level to advocate for adoption and implementation of HBW Policies at the provincial level
- HBW TASKFORCE (SEPTEMBER 2011) AND THE HBW PROVINCIAL COUNCIL (APRIL 2012) CONSTITUTED IN SINDH - To showcase the effective response of Sindh on HBW issues, including finalization of the provincial policy
- HBW PROVINCIAL WORK COUNCIL CONSTITUTED IN PUNJAB (OCTOBER 2011) - Constituted by the Department of Labor and includes representation from departments of Women Development, Social Welfare, Law as well as Parliamentarians, and is chaired by the Adviser to the Chief Minister for drafting and lobbying for adoption of a provincial policy on HBWs
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- ACID CRIME AND ACID CRIME PREVENTION BILL ADOPTED - Following the Supreme Courts request to Parliamentarians to look into research and legislation on acid burning this Bill was passed in December
- THE PREVENTION OF ANTI-WOMEN PRACTICES (CRIMINAL LAW AMENDMENT) ACT ADOPTED - Despite remaining stuck for several months this Bill was successfully passed in December
- WOMEN IN DISTRESS AND DETENTION FUND (AMENDMENT) BILL ADOPTED - Following advocacy and lobbying efforts with partners, this Bill was passed in December
- EVAWG ALLIANCE (KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA) ESTABLISHED – The second provincial chapter of the EVAWG Alliance established with support from UN Women
- HEADS OF UN AGENCIES ADOPT CODE OF CONDUCT UNDER THE PROTECTION AGAINST SEXUAL HARASSMENT AT WORKPLACE ACT - On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, UN Women Pakistan organized an endorsement ceremony whereby Heads of UN Agencies signed endorsement cards to express their commitment towards the implementation of the law thus enhancing visibility and reiteration by the UN Country Team as a role model working towards protection against sexual harassment at the workplace, thus making it more conducive for women
- LAUNCH OF A ONE MILLION SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN - A national awareness raising campaign to ‘Break the Silence-End Violence Against Women and Girls’ launched by UN Women in collaboration with a network of women’s organizations and the EVAWG Alliance in commemoration of 16 Days of Activism (25 November 2011). The Campaign aims to collect ONE MILLION signatures and in addition to signing the ‘Take Action’ campaign post cards, people will be encouraged to pledge to take specific actions to end crimes of VAWG by giving voice to one million people to demand and say no to violence. The Campaign is raising awareness and actions nationally and internationally
Under the ‘Women and Peace’ Programme
- INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF TWO SOCIAL PROTECTION STRUCTURES AND MECHANISMS TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS - Mechanisms include (i) a Women’s Empowerment Wing in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and (ii) a Women Desk in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF FOUR GENDER AND CHILD CELLS WITHIN LOCAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES - UN Women supported the establishment of Gender and Child Cells as institutional mechanisms within the Disaster Management Authorities at the provincial and district levels highlighting the Government of Pakistan’s commitment for gender integration in its disaster management strategy as the mechanism to integrate and mainstream gender and child protection issues in relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction process. This follows success of the national Gender and Child Cell established in 2010. Gender and Child Cells, were notified within the Disaster Management Authorities of Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, and the State Disaster Management Authority of Pakistan Administered Kashmir
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