Summary of Achievements in 2008
| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |
Under the ‘Women’s Human Rights and Governance’ Programme
- STRENGTHENED PARTNERSHIPS WITH WOMEN DEPARTMENTS - Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) signed with the Ministry of Women’s Development and the Women Development Departments of Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan Administered Kashmir, to advance the gender equality and women’s human rights agenda (2008-2009)
- FIRST PROVINCIAL COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN ESTABLISHED - UN Women’s advocacy and dialogues with the Women’s Development Department of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (formerly known as North West Frontier Province) led to establishment of Pakistan’s first Provincial National Commission on Women
- COMPOSITION FOR A NATIONAL CEDAW COMMITTEE INITIATED - UN Women facilitated dialogue between the Ministry of Women’s Development and Civil Society Organizations resulted in the formulation of Terms of Reference and detailing of the composition for the national CEDAW Committee
Under the ‘Women’s Economic Empowerment’ Programme
- CAPACITY ASSESSMENT OF GENDER CELLS TO ENGENDER THE CENSUS 2008 - UN Women supported a capacity assessment followed by a comprehensive capacity development of the Gender Cells of the Pakistan Census Office (PCO) at the provincial and federal levels, whose primary responsibility is to identify gaps and to suggest strategies to improve the engendering of the Census process
- NATIONAL SAARC GENDER DATABASE (SGDB) COMMITTEE SET UP - UN Women provided technical support to PCO in providing support for the infrastructure assistance and guidance to PCO and its Gender Cells in ensuring a gender responsive census manual
- DRAFT NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT PLAN ENGENDERED - UN Women facilitated the process with key partners with follow-up and technical assistance to the Ministry of Labor. The Employment Plan was submitted to the Cabinet for adoption
Under the ‘Ending Violence Against Women’ Programme
- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE BILL PRESENTED - Through various consultative processes with the former Ministry of Women’s Development and civil society partners lobbied for a Domestic Violence Bill. The Bill was drafted and presented to the National Assembly - for the first time in Pakistan domestic violence was recognized as a punishable crime
- PAKISTAN PENAL CODE AMENDMENT - The Pakistan Penal Code was amended to include Sexual Harassment at the Workplace as a crime following lobbying by the Alliance against Sexual Harassment (AASHA) and UN Women
Under the ‘Women and Peace’ Programme
- ESTABLISHMENT OF A GENDER RELIEF AND REHABILITATION NETWORK - A Gender Relief and Rehabilitation Network was established by the Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), with UN Women support, in the aftermath of the 2005 earthquake
- GENDER UNIT ESTABLISHED WITH THE EARTHQUAKE RECONSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION AUTHORITY - With UN Women’s advocacy and lobbying for gender responsive reconstruction and rehabilitation ERRA included a Gender Unit in the Planning Commission and one for Pakistan Administered Kashmir
- THE MINISTRY OF WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT COMMITS TO IMPLEMENT UN SCR 1325 - This follows UN Women’s provision of technical support to develop strategic interventions of women, peace and security through an inter-ministerial task force lead by the Ministry of Women’s Development
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